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September 29 - October 05, 2003

October 05, 2003
A New Bud Commercial

Today's Math:
1,200 weapons inspectors
90 days in Iraq
Number of weapons found?


Yet somehow Bush has the nuts to say that big David Kay CIA report on how things are going in the hunt for WMD justifies the war in iraq. More...

My mind strains to find a metaphor for this kind of lie. Bush is distorting the facts with the type of blatant ignorance that is usually reserved for Dictators of small, impoverished nations with one AK-47 for every 8-year old. Hmmm.

The last I heard, Texas had four guns for every man, woman and child in the state.

What is very sad is that this week, Canada took its first casualties in the peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan. Two men dead trying to police a region that the States razed and left to chaos in its hurry to finish George Bush I's war on Iraq. Sort of seems like the Canucks are going to get ass-pumped cleaning up the nightmare of feuding tribes, Opium warlords and Taliban regime holdouts. No wonder Kofi Annan and the UN are in no hurry to join in on the State's second dilettante's ball.

Hey George, this Bud's for you.

In other news, Extreme sloth from Quotidian Doom linked to me after finding confusing. Thanks go to him, in part, for examining the necessity of redesign.

And in other news, I can't stop thinking about this writer chick. I have the classic fear of sending an email too soon. And the classic fear of what Chloe would do if she found out. But fucking whatever, right? She's still seeing that accountant off and on. In any case, it will be good research for my new project starring the unrepentant polygamist, Enoch Lucius. There's something incredibly desirable about women that write. I fucking lust after them.

And, I am thinking of changing my tag from Writer, extrovert, personal assassin to something like: Mingus Tourette: Writer, Madman, Unrepentant Polygamist Athiest on his Way to Hell.

What do you think of the new tag? Say it in the guestbook.

October 04, 2003
News Today: Mingus Hurts Self in Drunk

Founda bottle of rum this week that i hadnt seen for almst two yeras and was sofuckinng haoppy that i almost cried when i fuond it and so last night me and K got into iiiitt like a fucking Rolls Royce and today I am in suchb ad shape that it is fice oclock and i can still beraly contemplate showering. I need to shit.

The one up is that somewhere bwteen the golapost and the bottle I met me a girl on the street near the strat who said she was w writer. She might be liing, but withwhat bullshit Chloe feed me bnout whatever, this seems lkie pretty good material. Somehow i impresed her enough with various lies about writing thst she gave be her email. Something looks up. Yes.

Excuise me, but I've got to throw up now.

October 02, 2003
News Today: Bush Writes for Mingus

Found this site today with a list of some of George's worst quotes and felt that nothing I could write would be as entertaining.

It forces me ask - who the fuck could conscientiously vote for a man who could not string together a proper sentence. I mean, really. George makes Dan Quayle look like a fucking Pulitzer prize winning genius.

Attention, all Americans: if you vote for this guy again, you are a fucking idiot. Read on for pure, unadulterated Bushian verbal bullshit: all true.

"I glance at the headlines just to kind of get a flavor for what's moving. I rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who are probably read the news themselves."—Washington, D.C., Sept. 21, 2003

"We had a good Cabinet meeting, talked about a lot of issues. Secretary of State and Defense brought us up to date about our desires to spread freedom and peace around the world."—Washington, D.C., Aug. 1, 2003

"Security is the essential roadblock to achieving the road map to peace."—Washington, D.C., July 25, 2003

"I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things."—Aboard Air Force One, June 4, 2003

"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself."—Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 29, 2003

"I'm plowed of the leadership of Chuck Grassley and Greg Ganske and Jim Leach."—Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 16, 2002

Too bad Arnold's not an American. In the meantime, go Wesley Clark.

October 01, 2003
Generation Exile

I was watching an interview with Douglas Coupland, the Canuck maFuck who branded myself and cohorts with the Generation X moniker for the rest of our collective lives. I've heard previous interviews with him, and he sounds like a very thoughtful, intelligent fellow with his finger on our cultural pulse, and in this interview he had lots of good insights to the Columbine shooting and other shootings, as he had examined them in great depth in his new book, Hey Nostradamus.

But the thing is, the interviewer asked him something about God, if he did exist, and why He would allow such pain and suffering and tragedy to exist. And Coupland gave some answer that I missed because I was still reeling a bit from his admission that started with 'I believe in God'.

Sort of took the wind out of my sales. Moreso than his admission that he had smoked weed exactly four times. I sort of drifted off during the rest of the interview, because I've come to face the fact that:

I can't really take anybody seriously who believes in God.

Not to be a fucking asshole, or to piss directly in anyone's face and all respect to people who want to believe in God, because hey, it sure is a nicer way to live, BUT it is always stunning to me to meet those people who are so smart and rational and bright and intelligent and level minded EXCEPT when it comes to "What the Fuck Happens When I Die?" I have a hard time wondering how such bright people can live with a paradigm that includes blind faith in something as non-rational as the existence of an all-powerful, invisible force that just likes to let young children be murdered by other young children armed with automatic weapons. So as much sense as Coupland makes, I don't know if I can really take him seriously knowing that everything he says comes from a perspective grounded in fantasy. Like kids who really believe that Santa is coming down the chimney.

Course, I'm crazy and bound for hell and I'm starting to froth a bit when people mention good and evil, let alone god, so don't listen to me. Just keep on kneeling.

September 29, 2003
Mingus and a Touch of the Bizarre

See, the other day, Johnny Cash finally crossed the bar, and I was sad and drunk and looking for the video Hurt and I watched it and wept (take the challenge, big man, but don't do it in the office with women around - you will weep) and I typed a message in to the director Mark Romanek's contact page. Romanek, for those who don't know, has directed music videos for Madonna, Michael Jackson, Nine Inch Nails, Linkin Park and the Chili Peppers. To name a few. And One Hour Photo. The movie.

So his rolodex is thicker than mine, but I was drunk, which puts me on even footing with every man, and I said:

Thank you for your video.
It made us both cry. (old Chloe watched it with me)
And it made johnny cash look exactly as he should.
In black. And dying. And fearless.

Now, I've done this before - typed in drunken ramblings to famous people's web pages - most notably Sean Penn's site when he wrote his anti-war diatribe in the NY Times. It's not like one expects a response, but I thought Mr. Romanek might want to hear my thoughts, cause they were loud and drunk and honest. Or at least I was.

The funny thing was, he read it, and replied. And thanked me for it. Or at least, somebody from his site did. And I, emboldened, sent him a link to my own Weekly Mingus tribute to Johnny Cash, which I had written a couple of days before; again, in a somewhat emotional, sauce laden state. Didn't think much of it, but a few days later, Mark Romanek wrote me back and thanked me for the tribute. To be accurate, he said:

Dear M,

That's a Helluva tribute...thanks. I'll pass this along to Rick Rubin.

Much appreciated.


And that's pretty fucking cool. The web - it's not just porn, its a mass grieving station for all those that might actually give a fuck when someone dies. And a nice place to say thanks, you made a good epitaph and I wept and it feels better and life goes on now, without the man in black. So when I go out in a hail of bullets or under a wall of gin bottles, you can all read Sweaty Charles' tribute to me right here. And weep. And feel better. And carry on. No matter how famous Sweaty Charles is. Or is not.


And props to Romanek for reading his own email. Everyone go to his site now and marvel.

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