May 20th, 2005
The Unclean - Tonight
Do I really have to say:
If you do nothing else with your life, you should
go and see this art show tonight and listen to
some hot hot poetry. Hot.
And, it would also be smart to think of some questions
to ask the artist (and even the poet) so that
when she is standing up at the front, we are not
hit with a wall of silence that threatens to consume
the world, much like at the last art gallery reading.
This is a basement gallery with a cement floor.
You will be drinking plentiful free big bear.
Enjoy yerself. Hob that nob. And remember to say
something very insightful and complimentary to
the artist,
Shelley Rothenburger. Her boyfriend is best
described as a heavily-bearded, ill-tempered Croatian
who has no time for fools who don't appreciate
good art. The last thing you will see if you irritate
him is a rustling beard and his four-finger gold
The Unclean. Poetry Reading and Art Show tonight
at the Fringe Gallery on Whyte. Big Bear starts
around 6.30. Poetry reading at 7.00. Q & A
at 7.15. Schmoozy till 8.00, and then go to the
Commercial for some fine blues and better beer.
The Gallery is located at 10516 Whyte Avenue.
The Gallery is right beside The Paint Spot on
Whyte, just down from Chapters.
And yes, it's all completely free, you cheap cunts.
Get your standing room early.
May 19th, 2005
New Novel Version 17
There are some nights.
Thinking of moving forward with the next project.
So I fire up all the machines and take a look
over some of the old work to see what I was working
on before all this poetry book bullshit.
And I flip through hundreds of pieces of writing
from over a dozen different 'projects' that were
in progress, many that I have completely forgotten
about. Fifty page travelogues. Character profiles
for eight different characters for a hundred page
screenplay that has been read by exactly one person.
The third draft of a 200 page novel I 'put on
hold' in 1998 and briefly resurrected two years
ago. Ten page love letters. Ten page hate letters.
Eighteen pages of research on Zombies and the
origin of the Vodun religion. Forty-two pages
of notes on computer theory. Entire media kits
for a tv pilot and a feature film that have been
in 'post-production' for two and five years, respectively.
Plot and character notes on sequels to movies
that were never finished in the first place. The
scattered names of beloved characters and books
that feel like tattoos; Tectonic, Van Diemen's
Land, Divinity, Ascension, Consumption, Vladimir.
Most of them best known for being unfinished.
And even though I already have at least a dozen
projects in the works , and as costly as these
things are; to relationships and the pocketbook,
I am obsessing about what new project to start?
I am thinking about how quickly I can write a
first draft of Roast Kraken and the Write
the Nation Tour retrospective? Not to mention
Chrome Rigby, The Book of Enoch, a screenplay
version of nunt, and the online community
for writers with the co-branded website for the
Koboko school of writers?
Good lord, this would be laughable if I wasn't
so fucking serious about it all. I mean, why in
god's name would anybody consider writing a hundred
page screen adaptation for a BOOK OF POETRY? And
even though I know how ridiculous that sounds,
EVEN AS I WRITE IT, why am I still considering
it? Why don't I just look myself in the mirror
and say, "No. That is fucking retarded. Go
watch some television, or masturbate. Or play
some video games. Just STOP BEING SO FUCKING OBSESSIVE".
And even though I am telling myself to walk over
to the mirror and say those things, why am I starting
a new folder and making a spot for character profiles
and placing the template in there? And renaming
the template. And opening it. And putting my own
name in there.
Sometimes I wonder how this would look from the
May 18th, 2005
Official Press Release: RickStag 2005
May 12, 2005 – EDMONTON: Renowned shitheads,
Mingus Tourette, Rendrag, Nordic Fury and the
Minister of Misinformation have set down their
Viking helmets and taken a break from drinking
blood, skewering things on their spears and pillaging
Future Shop outlets, to proudly bring you this
news release.
To take part in an out-of-control, leave-the-wounded-where-they
lie, no-holds-barred, [insert hyperbole here]
celebration of RickStag 2005, please proceed to
The Globe (downtown) on 109 Street, May 28, at
you leave your house only once this entire year,
buy some groceries and shampoo,” advised
the Minister of Misinformation.
“But if you leave your house twice, go to
RickStag 2005,” interjected Rendrag.
RickStag 2005 honours the impending marriage of
Rick. Does Rick really exist? Well, he does now,
and don’t you forget it. More importantly,
are you even worthy of attending such an auspicious
occasion? Well, yes you are, even if you are a
woman. “Even if you are just a girl,”
interjected Nordic Fury, touching the glistening
horn of his Viking helmet.
“Enough of these fucking interjections,”
said Mingus Tourette. “This is a fucking
news release. The primary purpose of a news release
is to impart information.”
“Ah, but take note,” interjected the
Minister. “As you will observe, this release
was written in the inverted pyramid style, as
recommended by the Canadian Press, which means
that all the most important information was loaded
at the top. That makes the rest of this bit down
here filler.”
“Filler!” yelled Tourette, picking
up a burning torch and wielding it dangerously.
“It’s not filler that all RickStag
2005 participants must get wise to the RULES of
this stag: namely, the GREAT LYING and the RICKSTAG
Tourette advanced upon the Minister’s apartment.
“There’s no need to torch my apartment,
Mingus,” said the Minister. “Look…
After the main body of the news release, we can
tell people to visit the website and read all
the VERY IMPORTANT information contained therein.”
“Can we tell them that if they break the
CODE OF SILENCE they will be punched in the face?”
asked Tourette.
“Punched in the face!” laughed Rendrag.
“Yes, we can even tell them that,”
concluded the Minister.
For more very important information go to
This release brought to you by Shithead 07823P,
Minister of Misinformation.
May 17th, 2005
RickStag 2005
Now that I can officially abandon the possibility
of critical literary success, I can return to
doing what I do best, namely alcohol-fuelled mayhem
and wanton shitheadery.
For those who still haven't firmly committed to
showing up at this Friday's art and pony show,
allow me to ask you this: have you ever drunk
yourself into a ramshackle oglefuck on malt liquor?
If not, what have you done with your life?
At least when it's my time to meet the Big Dump
At the End of The Trail, I'll be able to say that
I threw up in the Louvre instead of seeing the
Mona Lisa with a bunch of tourists. You may never
reach that level of debauchery, but if you show
up on Friday, MAYBE you'll be able to say that
you once got drunk on Big Bear and got kicked
in the balls by a rabidly intoxicated poet who
was SCREAMING ABOUT throwing up in Louvre. Hell
yeah. Think of it as a warm up for Rick's Stag.
Speaking of kicking people in the balls and drinking
heavily, it's time to unleash the Ridgebacks of
Hell and give up the big official kickoff
to RickStag 2005. The unofficialy press release
will be posted tomorrow.
If you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about,
please visit
And remember - the first rule of the fake stag
is that THERE IS NO FAKE STAG. The second rule
is rather complicated and involves getting punched
in the face for breaking rule number one. And
yes, that is a whole new website. No one takes
their alcohol-fuelled mayhem and shitheadery as
seriously as I do. Enjoy it, my cruel viking hordes.
Soon, the rivers will run red with beer and blood
and urine.
May 16th, 2005
The winner of this year's Stephan J. Stephansson
Award for Poetry was described as being: warm,
full of whimsy, and a 'fittingly wonderful book
for the province of Alberta on her hundredth birthday'.
You do the math.
However, I did take away the booby prize for best
matched ensemble; including the pink tie, pink
ambulance and pink dress on my date, a Russian
deaf-mute named Camille. Also, I was the drunkest.
It was, as they say, an honour just to be on the
table. Hats off to Walter Hildebrandt, for the
winner, and to Thomas Wharton, for buying me a
drink. And the awards announcer, for introducing
the book as 'noont'. That made me chuckle.
If you like poetry, don't forget to book off this
Friday evening for The
Unclean. Meet the artist, the poet and enjoy
some free big bear in champagne glasses. It's
going to be a zinger.

But What Happened Last
Week? By God, Find Out Here!