April 1st, 2005
Today is April Fool's Day. You're supposed to
make a joke with your website, or tell a whopper
to someone you know.
Of course, I lie through my teeth every day, so
I thought I'd leave today for the amateurs to
have some fun. But that doesn't mean I can't post
photos of chicks in gas masks.
The female, incidentally, is Morrie's daughter.
She emailed me immediately after the dinner, and
we chatted online last night until the wee hours,
at which point she came over and we did some naughty,
naughty things involving fruits, vegetables and
a vacuum cleaner. In the morning, we were listening
to Wagner, so I made her put on the gasmask, and
I took her picture for all of you to enjoy. She
looks pretty happy wearing my t-shirt! Then I
shipped her off to English class. She needs those
credits, or she won't graduate from high school
this year. And we wouldn't want that.
Have a great weekend, everyone. I'm off to Brandon,
March 31st, 2005
Morrie Resurfaces
Because he knows that award announcement season
is directly around the corner, Morrie took me
for supper. He seems to think that the book will
make a short list somewhere and that will vault
me into minor-league fame with a big enough glow
to give our co-produced script, Roast Kraken,
credit somewhere.
Morrie's logic is heavily flawed in three ways.
First, poetry holds no weight with film producers
or screenwriting agents. In fact, most producers
would refuse to read a script by a poet, because
they would assume it would be written on napkins
in iambic pentameter. Plus, they know most poets
don't think about 'franchise merchandising' possibilities
when working on their next 'property'.
Second, there is the long-standing Mingus Tourette
Rule of Fourth™ . It states that if there
are three winners (or shortlisters), Tourette
will invariably be fourth, unless he is dead fucking
last. Which is often the case. If there are six
winners, Tourette will be seventh. It should actually
be referred to as the N + 1 Losing Formula, but
I like the idea of almost touching the bronze
medal, but failing. I didn't bother to tell Morrie
about the rule because I wanted a free hamburger.
He will find out soon enough. And I will have
my hamburger to console me.
Third, the treatment for Roast Kraken
is an irredeemable piece of shit that I wrote
while blacked out on crumbled tar hashish and
gin. I briefly considered rewriting the treatment,
but realized that any time spent on a project
called Roast Kraken would be better spent
masturbating. Anybody interested in optioning
the script should be shot.
Besides the local film gossip, there was one interesting
twist to the meal. Morrie's daughter, Marcy, showed
up with her Polynesian friend to bum some money
out of the old man. She was loud and checked her
phone continuously, but I liked the way her pants
rode up her ass. I hadn't met her before, but
when we shook hands, she stumbled a bit with her
words and looked me in the eye nervously. Morrie
introduced me as 'his writer', which crinkled
my gonads a bit, but she seemed to get some thrill
out of it. He mentioned that she wrote poetry,
and suggested that she send some my way. He said,
"Her poems are really good, and you might
like them". I stared at him dumbstruck.
Her poems will be shit. I won't like them. I don't
like poems written on cell phones that use number/letter
combos, like 2U 4ever.
Besides that, who hooks up his nymphet daughter
with a filthy rotten poet who's best known for
his work in the 'sodomy haiku' sub-genre?
There are reasons this man hasn't made a film
since 1992.
With that, I remind all Brandon residents to show
up for the Sundog Reading Series on Saturday.
It's going to be a corker. And, for those who
hunger for Bernard's interview / rebuttal, we're
hoping to get it out of him / her next week, after
the fem-theory papers subside.
March 30th, 2005
If you like reading clean, gutwrenching poems,
I highly suggest getting yourself a copy of Tanis
Rideout's Velocity, published by Cubicle
Press. As a part of a new, semi-regular feature,
in which we present the work of a hot new poet,
we are pleased to present a poem from her book.
by Tanis Rideout
after months of your silence
i slept three nights in your apartment
in the company of catcalls
from late night boys leaning on cars
across princess street
aged and angular in fluorescent light
of pizza joints
your bedroom door closed
firm on your absence
i’d wake
in front of your closet
each outfit hung together
dimensional pictures of you
as photographs
to claim what’s mine
room a fossil
your leaving
crumble flakes
to feed your goldfish
slow skim of their dead bodies
from the surface
my finger breaks
skin of water beads
on your empty desk
after four nights i dreamed you again
the weight of death on my pillow
filling my lungs like a lover’s scent
To read more from Velocity, and learn
a bit about this up and coming young poet / novelist,
visit Tanis
Rideout's site. You will be happy you did.
March 29th, 2005
Media Poem
The Numerology of Grief
Gander and I had a discussion about Poet Laureates
the other day, and their function. He was intent
on writing an article about them, and questioning
why Alberta didn't have one, especially on her
100th birthday. Seems like folks in this province
just can't get it together to get themselves a
poet laureate.
Of course, if there was a poet laureate, what
would he do? I told Gander that a Laureate should
be promoting poetry like hell, and trying like
a motherfucker to write poems everyday. He thought
they should be at the public's service, and they
should write about day-to-day things. He figured
the poems should be available for use and consumption
by anyone, and they should provide a regular sparkpoint
for conversation and debate. I agreed, and something
kicked over about the way I used to write too
much media summary, or media commentary, especially
about the Iraq war. So, I said that if I were
the poet laureate, I would try like hell to regularly
write news poems, or media poems.
I would use them to spark debate, to fuse a different
lexicon to the lips of politicians, journalists
and the public. I would try to succinctly point
out the hypocrisies of this fine era, for I am
tired of hearing the same regurgitated speaking
points that come off the press releases and go
directly to our opinions.
Of course, I am the poet laureate of exactly nothing,
but more and more I give less and less a fuck
about anything, so why the fuck shouldn't I call
myself a poet laureate of nowhere and write a
media poem whenever I damn well feel like it?
It seems to be a more valuable thing to do than
just rebark the issues. 'Cause sometimes, nothing
cuts through the shit like a poem, especially
when you're mad as fuck about something.
So here it is, the first media poem by Mingus
Tourette, poet laureate of nowhere.
Go ahead, get pissed off.
The Numerology of Grief
why is it
that two weeks ago
a fifteen year old kid shot up a school
in the States
ended up with nine dead, plus himself
and I don't know the name of the school
or the name of the gunman
yet, six years ago
two sixteen-year olds shot thirteen of their schoolmates
and they got their own feature film
which I saw, and I remember was about bowling
in 2003
50 000 Iranians died in an earthquake
but I don't remember anyone donating to relief
like it was a tsunami
which, admittedly killed about 200 000 poor folk
plus at least a thousand westerners
and even some white people
those kids in that unnamed school in the States
I think they lived on a reservation
must have been red on the outside
I guess, what's the point of thinking about them
of mourning that loss
when we got a brain dead white girl in Florida
who might finally slip into the Void
after fifteen years
on her self-induced deathbed
now that's worth midnight legislation
March 28th, 2005
The E-Ville Invasion
We came, we saw, we got real drunk and read a
shitload of poems to an impressive C-Ville audience.
It was great fucking reading. In the past, I've
done my share of shitting on Cowtown, but the
people were a lot of fun, and great hosts. The
evening was pumped full of everything that makes
a classic - good music, hot poetry, interesting
artists, and writers with new stories and hard
inked tattoos. It didn't hurt that they sold out
the standard ten book box, and had to restock.
And yes, Nunto Two went over quite well.
In conclusion, I had a great fucking time. Perhaps
a little too great. I got on the beer pretty hard,
which always makes me extra loud. And extra stupid.
And usually leads to some elite shitheadery. Like
it did this time. With such highlights as:
a. Ripping off my shirt in the middle of the room
with no real provocation. Or warning.
b. Drinking gin directly from the bottle like
I was Charlton Heston.
c . Yelling offers of sexual favours across the
room at Calgary literati, targetted at one fellow
trying to get out the door with his lady while
d . Attempting to kick down the door of a local
pub at three in the morning because it had the
audacity to be closed when I wasn't finished drinking.
(Fortunately, K. pulled me off that before the
police showed up.)
e . Waking up on K.'s floor, face down on a sleeping
mat that I hadn't bothered to inflate, wondering
why my tongue tasted like carpet. And not in a
good way.
In conclusion - the Single
Onion crushes ass. If you live in Calgary,
you should attend, or you are foolish. Also -
if you want an amusing shitshow, feed Mingus Tourette
fifteen beer and watch ensuing mayhem.

But What Happened Last
Week? By God, Find Out Here!