September 10th, 2004
On the Block - The Humingifier
We stood in the cold, the sleet dripping down
our fingers as we took turns holding the battery
charger. My joy, and my long underwear, kept me
warm. The ambulance was pink, a deep, dark, inviting
sanguine beast, unmistakable. And once it fired
up, it sounded like it could run forever.
The Write The Nation Tour is coming together quickly.
Should have more details for the excitable early
next week. And a web-site. And press releases.
And the kind of logotype that just begs to be
made into t-shirts, g-strings and automobile siding.
And, of course, photos that demonstrate just how
super-fucking-cool the tour vehicle is. Even if
I sell six books, get arrested and find myself
beaten to a pulp in Waterloo, it will still be
worthwhile, as long as that baby keeps its ruddy
But don't take my word for it. Just listen to
the girlish excitement in old Frutiger Black's
voice when he saw it:
Christ on a pokey-freakin'crucifix; The Fuckin
MingusMobile is parked right outside my window.
I'm tearing up, Mingus - that
livid pink bitch is among the most beautiful things
I've seen ... It's so fucking REAL!!! Shine on,
you crazy-mutha-fuckin-diamond: You're goin' on
Watch your corn-holes, you
listless drones! Mingus is comin'! - FG
What else can I say? The Revolution Will be Forthcoming.™
September 9th, 2004
The Tan Leather Coat
My god, what a miserable night - cold, dark and
raining. I should have spent it curled up in bed,
hallucinating about Samoan women I have known.
Better yet, I should have spent it curled up behind
a Samoan woman I have known, listening to the
rain and wondering if her lost husband still had
a key.
Instead, Ronnie showed up uninvited, and dragged
me out for a drink at the rippers. I didn't know
why he wanted to watch rippers - he sees enough
silicon manning the cameras at his day job. But
apparently, the house of porn is bothering him
these days. Something about watching Regina get
it on with an actor who has an enormous cock that
absolutely humbles him. He prattled on for almost
fifteen minutes about his situation, without having
the decency to either buy a drink or even clap
for the girl on stage. That's behaviour I simply
can't condone - clap for the girl, smile at the
girl and always laugh at the jokes she makes about
her snapper. There is a proper etiquette to be
followed when sitting down on perv row.
So I cut to the heart of the problem. Regina is
a German immigrant porn starlet, and I don't think
she's all that bright, or that she understands
English all that well. And I don't think she understands
Ronnie. So I took a slam off my gin and tonic,
glowing bright blue under the black lights, and
said so.
"Ronnie. If the woman doesn't understand
you, you've got to get rid of her. There's no
point being with a woman who doesn't understand
you. Hell, there's not much point to being friends
with someone who doesn't understand you. To be
understood is a beautiful thing. Sometimes it's
the only thing. Why do you think I write so damn
much? In the hopes that when I talk with people,
when I meet people, they understand what I'm saying,
and maybe I can feel connected to something. And
I can try to understand them, in return."
And because I was wearing my tan leather coat,
I reached into my inner pocket. The tan leather
coat has one copy of Basho's haiku, one copy of
Balzac's The Atheist's Mass, a half-smoked
pack of Camels I refuse to smoke or throw away,
for sentimental reasons I won't discuss, and the
first half of Miller's Plexus, in the
old Grove Press green cover. On page forty-three,
I have a passage underlined, which is a great
defence against the cold and loneliness, and great
for writing to be understood, or reading to understand
others. And so, with a young blonde girl rolling
around naked on the stage, her legs carving aerial
incantations in front of old men, I read to Ronnie.
"If I were reading a book and happened to
strike a wonderful passage I would close the book
then and there and go for a walk....out I would
go, rain, hail, snow or ice, and chew the cud.
One can become so full with the spirit of another
being as to be literally afraid of bursting ...
It isn't a mere matter of recognizing a kindred
soul, it is a matter of recognizing yourself.
To come suddenly face to face with yourself. What
a moment! And this procedure, this ritual, I should
say, is always the same; a communication on all
fronts at once. No more barriers. More alone than
ever, you are nevertheless glued to the world
as never before. Incorporated into it. "
Ronnie didn't say anything. He just nodded, and
when the girl came around to us, he paid attention
and flicked some coins her way. It was the polite
thing to do. I like to think it meant he understood
what the fuck I was saying, cause if he didn't
- what's the fucking point? Because without that
understanding, especially for the godless, what
else is there between people?
September 8th, 2004
1000 Miles & Running
I thought it would just be another number, something
to fuel the Democratic argument that Bush was
not just a domestic,
financial idiot, but also an obviously dangerous
But it's tough not to reflect on how many people
make up the 1000
dead soldiers the United States has now lost
in Iraq. That doesn't count the 6000 plus who
are seriously wounded, or the beheaded contractors
or the fellows strung up on bridges or the 11
000 plus dead Iraqi civilians or the hundreds
of al-Sadr militia rebels cut to pieces by AC-130
Just the thousand dead American soldiers.
I would say more, about how many classrooms of
people that is, or how many soccer leagues, or
how many elementary schools full, but what's the
One thousand casualties. And counting. Quagmire,
September 7th, 2004
I'd been sucking back gin and tonics with the
lads Saturday night, and I was settling in for
some late night chips and video games when the
phone rang.
It was my old mentor, Russian mathematician Grigori
Perelman, who often asks my advice when he's worried
about the media. He also likes to run new ideas
about the Riemann hypothesis past me, or some
days, the Poincaré conjecture.
As most people know, Grigori's been on the edge
of proofing the Poincaré conjecture for
some time. But for some damned reason, he continues
to avoid any mention of Poincaré in his
papers, and it is going to lose him a hell of
a lot of money. Being the supreme capitalist that
I am, I often badger him about publishing the
papers properly, but Grigori refuses to budge.
After mocking him for a few minutes about his
communist roots, the conversation turned, naturally,
to the multidimensional topology of space. I listened
to him replay the constant apple / doughnut dimensional
paradox, and I just knew he was going to bitch
again about Fermat's last theorem before getting
into what he really wanted to talk about - the
shape of the space in which we live. So I cut
him off, and I said, "Fuck the connectivity,
Grigor, and fuck the fifth dimension. You are
missing the path you should follow, and it is
so bloody simple. This is not Euclidean, and you
damn well know you should be focussing on the
wave dynamics between abelian points and zeta
functions. So quit pushing your damn Hodge conjecture
in my face!"
He was stunned for a minute, and then he murmured,
in his thick Petersburg accent, "Mingus,
maybe you are right. Too much focus on connectivity,
on Euclid..."
I cut him off again.
"Damned straight. Because you can't let it
go. It reminds you of America, and Jennifer, or
whatever her name was..."
"And it's royally fucking up your work. Trust
me. You can hold on to the memory of Janine, but
you have to let go of what happened over there.
If you don't, you will get nowhere on the Poincaré,
cause all you can think of is her North Carolina
ass, and the bloody connectivity. Forget it."
He was silent for a moment, and I wondered what
time it was in St. Petersburg. I wondered what
the mood was these days, if the Russians would
be driven back to their old anger. And I listened
to his heavy breathing, his lungs made old by
years of smoking hand-rolled tobacco.
"And if I can't forget?" he said.
"You'll never win the CMI prize," I
said. "And worse, you'll never be home."
He grunted, and thanked me, roughly, and hung
up, as he always does. And I wondered if he'll
be able to forget, or if some co-ed American with
blue volleyball shorts was going to ruin the mind
of one of Russia's greatest mathematicians. As
I've often said, it's amazing what an ass like
that can do the master of spatial topology. It
really is.
September 6th, 2004
Labour Day in the
Heart of Darkness
A number of bloggers are writing today about
the Sudan crisis, in an attempt to push for some
sort of action on the issue. There is a page on
International Canada with the addresses of
people to write. In support of the awareness campaign,
I thought I'd reprint an entry from a month ago
because VERY LITTLE HAS CHANGED and the essay
is still quite relevant. Therefore, the Daily
Mingus proudly re-presents:
Afrika Corpse [originally printed
August 3, 2004]
Not too long ago, I read a graphic novel entitled
From Sarajevo', by Joe Kubert. It told the
story of a man, Ervin Rustemagic, who was trapped
inside the siege of Sarajevo with his family in
the early '90s. He attempted to get them out for
over a year, using a fax machine to keep in contact
with his many friends beyond the former Yugoslavian
border. Some of his contacts were only a couple
hundred kilometres away, but it was nearly impossible
to even reach the suburbs. When necessary, such
a feat was performed in an old car with metal
plating welded to the sides, the occupants covered
in layers of old comic books, which functioned
as body armour. Every time Rustemagic made the
trip, he came under heavy automatic rifle fire,
even with his son and daughter in the vehicle.
His home was destroyed and many of his friends
and colleagues slaughtered.
One of the striking things about the faxes he
sent during that period is the frustration with
the international community. After finishing the
book, I realized that the language mirrored the
dialogue from the
Sudan situation.
In both cases, horror stories about rape and mass
murder surface, and the inevitable response from
the world at large is: economic sanctions. For
The US and UK originally
proposed threatening Sudan with an arms embargo
and sanctions. But they were forced to back off
in the face of opposition from countries such
as Russia, China, Pakistan, Algeria and Brazil.
Instead of "sanctions",
the security council will consider unspecified
"measures" if Sudan fails to comply
by next month. The resolution was adopted by 13
votes to 0, with China and Pakistan abstaining.
MacAskill, July 31, 2004 The Guardian
The Sudanese government
was given 30 days to call off its proxy killers
or face unspecified punitive "measures"
- but, mark well, not formal sanctions, not military
force and certainly not a regime-changing invasion.
And that only if the UN deemed the government
to have made insufficient progress by September.
Tisdall, August 3, 2004, The Guardian
It is difficult to tell exactly what is happening
in the Sudan at this point, as the government
is not letting many journalists into the country.
Some feel that a declaration of 'genocide' is
simply another
US oil grab , while others believe it is a
humanitarian crisis. Refugee accounts are
typically horrifying
"They came at dawn, at 4am. They came on
horses, donkeys, camels and Land Cruisers. They
burnt the houses and killed the men and many of
the male children. I don't know if my husband
is alive or dead." Mrs
Mousa, Guardian
Maybe it is genocide, maybe it isn't. If it is,
sanctions certainly won't stop it, as Mr. Rustemagic
can attest. Only heavy armour and UN troops will
break up that shit. Hopefully, if it is a case
of genocide, the international community and the
Americans aren't too battle -weary to engage in
a war with a mere humanitarian basis. It is interesting
that the only western country to send troops (200
commandos in nearby Chad) anywhere near this mess
is the oft-derided France, which was villainized
by the Americans for 'uncourageously' opting out
of the Iraq war. Meanwhile, the rest of us sit
and wait to find out if, oh yes, it was genocide.
And holy fuck, is it possible that we are really
so incapable of learning a goddamned thing from
history, even it was just ten years ago?
What would you say, Mr. Rustemagic, what would
you say?

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