July 8th, 2005
and a half
if you've never watched
Fellini's 8 1/2
you must
suddenly, everything will be in perspective
except for those bombings at King's Cross
where we once
minded the gap
we just added it
to the list of places we've drunk
that have since been blown to pieces
like that bridge in Belgrade
where we ate too much yoghurt and vino
and ate it too quickly
after fasting all night on the train
and of course
that wall in Deutscheland
they knocked over
if one looked at all the pink temples
we've kneeled at
that have since collapsed
we could draw a rainbow coloured map
of all the damage we've done
and try to guess
where the next bomb would fall
July 7th, 2005
Rasp & Hard Liquor Poetry Fuckover
The first Rasp and Wine was hot - this one promises
to be just as good. Or even better. In all likelihood,
it won't be worse. I mean, shit, there's a poet
from Winnipeg. Check it:
CT Staples and Mike Gravel present...
"The Rasp and the Wine - Hard Liquor Version"
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
The Remedy Cafe :: 8631 - 109 Street, Edmonton.
Four featured readers:
- Shima Robinson
- Monika Ptak
- Ct Staples
- And straight outta Winnipeg,
our very special guest Rocco
de Giacomo, who is promoting is his new book,
"Everything is Still Burning : 20 Travel
An eight-reader open mic segment will follow the
features. Free samosas, twenty-five hooter shooters
and one round of barnyard fellatio will be available.
In other news, Eros
and Civilization opened back up for business
after a brief sabbatical. Obviously, Canadian
Literature is back on track.
July 6th, 2005
Nadia's Latest Postcard
At least twice a week, I receive a postcard
from Nadia, handprinted in tiny black letters.
She lives downtown now. This came in the mail
yesterday. I am tired.
Can we talk?
Yes, but first there is something I want. I bought
a bottle of communion wine for tonight. Don’t
ask where I bought it, or how much it cost.
Here’s what I want. I will leave the door
unlocked tonight, and leave the bottle of wine
near the stove. When you come over, I want you
to walk in and open the bottle. I will be lying
on the table, wearing the red dress, with nothing
underneath. I will be lying on my back and I will
have my legs bent and open a bit, and I will be
barefoot. Make sure to strip the label off, and
when the bottle is ready I want you to slip the
tip of it up against the lips of my pussy and
slide the bottleneck inside me. When it is inside,
I want you to push my legs back over my head,
so my pussy and my ass are up in the air, and
the wine flows inside me. And then, I want you
to pull the bottle out, carefully and quickly,
so you don’t spill many drops. But keep
my legs up, so the wine that is in there doesn’t
spill out. And then I want you to drink the wine
out of me. Keep my legs up at first and then lower
me down to the table so it all flows out into
your mouth. And when it is finished, I want you
to do it over and over again until you have drunk
the whole bottle. I don’t want to talk until
you are done. If you say anything, I will scratch
your face. Even when you’re done drinking,
I don’t want to talk. I don’t want
to hear anything until you have finished drinking
and you have crawled on top of me on the table
and fucked me and come inside me and we lie there
dripping together in a red stained affair.
Then we can talk.
July 5th, 2005
South Country Fair
If you're in the Southern Alberta region and
want a weekend of good poetry, folk music and
hippie sweat, come on down to the South Country
Fair July 15th - 17th.
As the folks at the SCF like to say:
"South Country Fair is a rural, peace-oriented,
camping, music and arts festival that manifests
itself annually just outside Fort Macleod, Alberta.
We like to think of ourselves as exciting but
civilized - a bunch of "jolly escaped asses"
as D.H. Lawrence might have described us, who
observe a solitary rule of conduct: 'Eschew Obfuscation'
(in Englische: Avoid Confusion; sub-text - be
Since the late 80's SCF has brought together all
of the elements of old-world festivals and the
heady and exotic flavours inherent to international
ports-of-call, combined with very high production
standards for a festival of our size, juxtaposed
against a big blue prairie sky on the edge of
a natural riparian forest.
Our attendance average the last few years has
been 2,500, and you can expect to see almost anything
on stage, from dub and rant poets, art films,
'street' performers, scathingly hot Cape Breton
fiddling, hot-blooded bag pipes or Flamenco guitars,
cool sarod or santur, djembe and/or dadouk, screaming
electric guitars and mandolins - pretty much everything
under the Sun has graced our stages in the last
decade and a half or so. This year, the Devil
himself makes an appearance when Mingus Tourette
takes the Lotosland stage on Saturday night at
10pm, right after the 'Memorial' segment of the
evening. "
Should be good times. Though having M. Tourette
onstage after a touching memorial seems like a
potential debacle. To learn more about the SCF,
check out www.scfair.ab.ca
Note: After the SCF, I'll be heading to Youthwrite
to read to children and peddle my pink book to
minors. Seriously. Accordingly, there may not
be many updates the week of the 18th. Yes, the
July 4th, 2005
be explosive
be explosive
be drunk
be an asshole
be entertaining
don't be so
at my expense
at our expense
don't run out your daily drama at our leisure
we'll wait until the precipitate version
is available
years after
with all the footnotes
about the women
and the times you sat with your knife
on your ledge
and laughed about doctors

But What Happened Last Week? By God, Find Out