November 26th, 2004
roast kraken: the revenge
After some further introspection and the loss
of the buddha, Tourette went home. He wrote horrible
things for a couple of hours, and drank a couple
of high test rum and cokes, and when it was four
in the morning, he found he still wasn't drunk
enough to fall asleep.
He thought about phoning Chloe, but she was probably
comatose, snoring beside her piece of plywood,
and wouldn't much appreciate it. He thought about
reading, but was having trouble concentrating
on long paragraphs. After a few moments, he decided
to write some more. But he was finished with writing
long letters to old lovers that he would never
post, so he opened a new page and titled it 'Roast
Kraken' and laid into it.
He woke up at three in the afternoon, his hand
stuck to an empty rocks glass and his forehead
resting on the keyboard. His vision was a bit
blurry. He wiped a spot of drool from his cheek
and looked at the document he had been writing.
He was nearly impressed. It was a one page plot
outline, four pages of characters, and the first
eleven pages of the most overhyped thriller-type
script he could have hoped for, followed by a
blank page with the following statement in the
in his LONGJOHNS with a RUM & COKE, drunnk
and passssed out. He pretends he is surrnounded
by zulus, and diyng, and for a lark, he wirtes
the word 'arrrggghhhhh' at the the end of his
arrrghgggggggggggggggggguyunjhy bhbgyt mjuynh
Tourette nodded with satisfaction. Two days later
he mailed it to Xanadu. Three days later, they
sat down to discuss it.
(to be continued...)
Postscript: Inept as his reputation may seem,
Morrie made a very good point the other day when
I was discussin Amazon with him, and what a chore
it was to try to get the book on Amazon, and how
it would be better if people ordered
direct, though there had been no Amazon orders
He asked, simply, if I'd posted links to the Amazon
page. After a short review of the site, I realized
I hadn't, probably because it is better if people
order direct. But, for those who like
Amazon, you can find the book here. The part
of the package that I do like is the 'Search
Inside the Book', which allows the browser
to flip through the pages. It's actually quite
cool, so check it out, and be the first to order
Nunt at Amazon. Yup.
If you're wavering, by god, check out the updated
review page. These will put you over the top.
November 25th, 2004
the unexpected buddha
After Xanadu shut the fuck up and paid for the
drinks, Mingus wandered out into the darkness.
The Buddha was waiting. They had not seen each
other yet. They had barely talked at all since
the summer.
He picked her up at the restaurant and asked if
she wanted some coffee. They hugged, but she seemed
uneasy. Mingus considered that it might just be
her aura. Radiating. He had not seen it for some
time. She seemed a bit plumper in the cheeks.
He thought, I am looking at her and she is radiating,
but she is nervous, the way eastern European men
get nervous when there is talk of serbs and muslims.
He took her out to see the ambulance, to show
it off for her. She was complimentary, and nodded
when he opened up the back doors for her. And
she gurgled when he turned on the lights and spoke
her name over the loudspeaker. RAE-ANNE! He helped
her up into the cab, turned the engine over, and
started to back up. For a laugh, he turned on
the back up alarm, and it beeped furiously.
"I have met someone new," she said,
And he stepped on the brake, harder than he intended.
He looked at her, and she smiled faintly.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't
know how to say it in a letter."
And Tourette nodded and stared at the panel of
lights. The back-up alarm continued its plaintive
"That is unfortunate," he said. "I
had a lot of hope for this. For this winter."
"I don't know what to say. It's nothing,
"I suppose. And then there's nothing to say
, I guess."
"Yes. Are you going to be all right?"
No, he thought. Rae-anne, no. I will not be all
right. I have had enough of being all right. In
fact, I think I'm not going to be all right for
some months of long nights ahead, and I'm going
to roll back into that friendly fucking abyss
and spend some time chasing monsters, locking
them up, and staring deep deep deep into their
eyes, hoping for something to leak black-like
out of their's and to effuse through my eyeballs
and get in there and take the fuck over so I don't
have to run the fucking show anymore.
Either that, or I'll just get drunk. Demons and
demons, what's the difference.
See, cause Rae-anne, it's just that after this
thing with Colette and her everlasting engagement
and her gamesmanship and the foursome on the ambulance
and the way Chloe and the fucking accountant are
still ripping out my rib cage, i was hoping to
worship at a freshly pressed temple with no illusions
and butter up the belly and spend some nights
eating hot rolls off each other and talking about
nothing and everything in nothing and making winter
love under layers of blankets and fuck the darkness
of the outside world, we have our own darkness
but it is warm and smells like thyme. Remember
when i wrote an entire thesis on heat, girl? how
everything we do is based on a quest for heat.
a hundred pages on heat. exothermic endothermic.
before the theory of cunt. No, you would not remember
that. it was when i was young and psychotic instead
of just old and crazy and now, how will you ever
know. you'll be sharing that linen cave with someone
else, and i'll be staring down the end of a blue
bottle, looking for ice devils on the plains of
charbydis over another winter of discontent.
spent dreaming of nothing, spent dreaming of that
soft brown belly, covered in sweat and lovegrease
The back up alarm echoed off a nearby brick building.
It seemed loud.
"Yes, I'll be all right," said Tourette.
"Of course, I'm disappointed, but if you're
happy, then it is good for you. This time is short.
What time we have."
"It is short. "
"It is what it is."
fucking fuck around, thought Tourette. this time
is short. it is what it is. spoke that like a
zen prophet. like a man considering tea leaves.
like someone who would nod sagely and measure
diction when he is trying to tear the needle out
of his fucking arm. yes, there it is again. truly
the great wandering fool stepping lightly again
through the gates of the city of Dis and onto
the frosty tundra of hell.
yes, he thought. this will be a long winter.
November 24th, 2004
Roast Kraken
Tourette and Xanadu had been talking about selling
words earlier.
"You won't make a dime off this poetry thing,"
Xanadu said. "It's for suckers. You'd be
better off trying to peddle roast kraken to the
"Enough about your roast kraken," Tourette
said. "What the fuck do you know about writing
for money?"
"I know that poetry is bunk. Screenwriting.
That's where the real money is. If I didn't suffer
from my narrative disorder, that's what I'd be
doing. And I tell you - if you write that thing
up as a script, I'll get it sold. And not just
for your poetic royalties that will never come
in the door. Real money. Option money. International
"I've been thinking about writing the story
of the ambulance. And the tour."
"Whatever it is, God, don't write it as poetry.
Write it as a script."
"Maybe it could be a script. "
"Something like Apocalypse Now, maybe. That
would work."
"You mean like the Odyssey."
"No, like Apocalypse Now. I've never seen
the Odyssey."
"It was a book," Tourette said.
"Never heard of it."
"I've heard of him. On the tv show."
"The Greek."
"I think he's from Springfield," Xanadu
said. "You know, I love the roast kraken
idea. Have you ever written a disaster movie?
Or a monster movie?"
"No. Though I have always wanted to write
something on hippos, sort of a violent revisionist
perspective. I even had a title - Koboko: Wrath
of the Hippo."
Xanadu looked at him queerly.
"Hippos are friendly," Xanadu said.
"They're the most dangerous animal in the
world. They kill more people every year than all
the major African predators combined."
"Sounds like a stretch. Even if they were
dangerous, it would never fly. They look like
big cows. But the Kraken. Did you know that in
1965, a Soviet whaler watched a battle between
a giant squid and a 40 ton sperm whale? When it
was over, they found the whale dead, the squid's
tentacles wrapped around its throat. And they
found the squid's decapitated head in the whale's
"How the fuck is that a movie?"
"I'm just illustrating how dangerous they
are. There's a lot of dramatic potential there."
"How? Are you going to name them?"
"The squid. And the sperm whale. How else
are you going to have dramatic potential?"
"Well, they wouldn't fight each other in
the movie. They'd fight humans."
"What, together? Like Batman and Robin?"
"No, just the Kraken. The squid. Don't be
"I don't know, it has potential. Jeffrey
& Anders; a crimefighting sperm whale and
his dynamic giant squid partner. With a homoerotic
subtext, of course. Sounds perfect for a hundred
million dollar Hollywood film. They could solve
nutty capers."
"The point is, you've got to stop writing
poetry. Screenwriting. That's where the bank is.
If you put those five hundred words you write
every night on that stupid web site of yours into
a disaster movie, you could actually make some
money. As a writer. And that's your goal, isn't
Tourette paused as though he were about to say
something profound, and then shut his mouth. He
looked down at his gin. And there it was.
Roast Kraken, indeed.
November 23rd, 2004
The Candidate
In an unsurprising turn of events, Mingus watched
the numbers pile up on the monitor and shrugged.
Good things had happened. The Liberals and
the NDP had gained, E-Ville showed its admiration
for balance, and at least one PC minister had
lost his seat. In addition, Raj Pannu had crushed
ass, and later on, so had Mingus.
The call arrived a few minutes before midnight.
Brave tears were shed by a neophyte that no one
expected to win. But the effort and the hope had
been there, and it had been shattered. And at
that point, all the candidate wanted was escape.
And so Mingus provided. He pulled up in front
of headquarters in his ambulance with a basket
of scotch, lubricants and a thirty-dollar plan.
And she was game. And fifteen minutes later, they
sucked liquor off each other and made the walls
During a break, while the candidate was washing
her face, Mingus reflected on his infiltration
of the Conservative campaign. It had been a good
experience to watch the machine from the inside.
He had learned much about the mechanics, and the
functioning hypocrisy. He had been surprised by
the strength of it. As far as Mingus could tell,
the party was packed with unbelievers and sexual
deviants professing the right hand virtues of
the fiscal year and a subtle, almighty god.
Mingus was a stone-cold liar, but he felt honest
as a preacher amongst that crowd. And he could
tell when the door was slipping open, when people
were sliding off their public beliefs, and he
knew when to push, and it had handed him the candidate's
ass. And it had been easy. He took a long drag
on his cigarette and thought that if a political
party was a refuge for the insecure and the neurotic,
certainly, a religion would be as bad, or worse.
And most of them would be looking hard for that
long fuck to walk around the corner.
And the epiphany appeared to him, as he was staring
out the window and the candidate walked back into
the room in a thin towel. Perhaps the political
system was too easy - they were all lloyds at
heart, after all. The church, however, might be
a challenge. And the synagogue. And the temple.
Yes, the temple. For they could not refuse him,
could they?
November 22nd, 2004
Happiness is Wetness
In late April, Tourette met a fellow who drank
white zinfandel, wore light-tan linen suits and
professed to be a talent manager. His name was
Morrie Xanadu, and his reputation was based on
the dubious possibility that he had managed Brad
Pitt's affairs near Calgary while Pitt was shooting
Legends of the Fall in 1994. It wasn't really
that impressive an achievement, mostly because
Brad Pitt looked pretty gay in that movie. As
Pitt learned long ago, flowing blond hair is good
for playing bisexual vampires, and nothing else.
In addition, the movie came out a decade past,
and Morrie had done nothing to top it. Still,
he liked to call himself a movie producer, as
well as a talent manager, and was quite good at
buying drinks for possible proteges. Which, he
liked to think, could include Mingus Tourette.
Of course, Tourette had always been quite good
at burying himself and his career, and had no
need for any help. However, Mingus never passed
up a free drink, so the two of them found themselves
sucking back gin after work on Friday evening.
Tourette had a few hours to kill before midnight,
when Rae-Anne was getting off shift. She had recently
returned from the East and was working slightly
upscale, washing dishes. They had not seen each
other yet.
Morrie fancied himself a connoiseur of current
events and the conversation weaved through the
hockey strike and Nicolas Cage's unpredictable
career choices. Mingus ignored most of the banter,
concentrating on throwing back as many gin and
tonics as he could before Morrie's inevitable
pitch came. But before that happened, Morrie sidestepped
and asked Mingus what he thought would happen
with the election.
Mingus sucked lime from the bottom of the glass,
and said, "My prediction is that the ding-dongs
who typically vote for Klein will be as apathetic
as Klein has been about getting re-elected, and
the right wing nutters will siphon some of that
vote to the Alliance and the communists will get
nothing as usual, and just enough votes will swing
to the left and my man Raj Pannu will get back
in and start crushing some more ass."
Morrie nodded sagely
"And then what?" he said.
"And then Mingus will do what he does best
- console failed Conservative candidate in the bathtub of the Strathcona hotel,"
said Mingus.
"And she'll agree to that?" said Morrie.
"Of course," said Mingus. "And
she'll buy the first pitcher of beer after."
"That's rather bold of you," said Morrie.
"I'm a plank in her run for office,"
said Mingus. "I don't know if I mentioned
it, but I've been campaigning for her for a couple
of weeks, and we hit it off real good. And Monday's
prom night, if you understand me. When she gets
stood up, she's gonna need a shoulder to sob on.
And a knob to bob on."
"You didn't mention it," said Morrie.
"Doesn't that sort of run against your principles,
with the Conservatives?"
"What principles," said Mingus. "Mostly,
I just toss the signs in a dumpster, or bullshit
on the phone with Gander or Ronnie. Or write love
poems and keep quiet. Trust me, when you're juggling
four bitches, you keep your goddamn mouth shut,
or one of these days, you'll be staring down at
a woman with bright white teeth, blood running
down her chin and one of your testicles trailing
out the right side of her mouth."
He snorted back the rest of the gin.
"That's lovely," said Morrie.
"Isn't it, though " said Mingus. "Now,
what the fuck were you saying about getting me
my movie rights sold?"
And the night sparkled with promise.
