February 25th, 2005
Before You Read The Morning Paper
What Sovereignty?
If you cracked open one of the intelligent Canadian
papers today, you probably read articles vividly
quoting a US ambassador dismissing Canadian sovereignty.
If not, you can read about it in the
Globe or the
National Post.
The ambassador said that by opting out of the
Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) program, Canada
has somewhat stupidly given up its sovereignty.
Paul Cellucci, the U.S.
ambassador to Canada, said from now on, the U.S.
will decide when to fire at incoming missiles
over Canadian territory.
"We will deploy.
We will defend North America," Cellucci said.
"We simply cannot understand why Canada would
in effect give up its sovereignty -- its seat
at the table -- to decide what to do about a missile
that might be coming towards Canada.''
With this, Canada has finally received its own
dose of good old fashioned US propaganda - and
perfectly worded, I might add. When I first read
the headlines, I thought, BY GOD, what have we
done? We have surrendered our ability to sit at
the table, to influence the national defence of
our borders! We have walked away from the table,
so foolishly!
But then, I read the articles, and realized Cellucci
was full of shit. eg:
"[f]rom now on, the U.S. will decide
when to fire at incoming missiles over Canadian
territory... "
Perhaps I missed the last incoming missile alert,
but the statement seems a little overblown. Truth
is, we don't have to sink billions into a program
that will never be used, will probably never work,
and will not add to our sovereignty.
a. Who the fuck is going to launch a missile at
b. Who the fuck is going to launch a missile at
Canada instead of launching it at the United States
of America?
c. If the US ever DOES see a missile or a malevolent
flock of low-flying geese winging towards North
America, is Bush really going to ask Paul Martin
whether or not they should try to shoot it down?
I mean, Americans are considerate, in a reach-around
sort of way, but they're not particularly worried
about anyone else's border integrity. Except Israel's,
of course.
d. Is it really possible to shoot down a missile
with another missile? Without sinking another
couple hundred billion dollars into the program?
Most tests so far have failed miserably. And jesus,
we already got our own financial boondoggles.
Like the gun registry. Or the Liberal sponsorship
"In January 2000,
the U.S. military conducted a mock nuclear attack.
A Minuteman ICBM, designed to carry a nuclear
warhead, was launched from Vandenberg Air Force
Base in California. Twenty minutes later, another
smaller missile was launched from the Marshall
Islands about 7,000 kilometres away. The second
missile was supposed to hit the first, but missed."
- CBC.ca
Fact is, the US is going to deploy its BMD whenever
it likes, whether we're in the program or not.
Opting out of BMD is not a matter of surrendering
our sovereignty. In regards to sovereignty, we've
recently given it a boost by handing the military
the biggest budgetary increase it's had in the
past 40 years. Now they'll have the dollars to
go where we need to send them, with proper numbers
and equipment. Which is lovely, because now we
can actually sit at the international table with
more than two chips in our pot.
So - don't fall victim to any American propaganda
being trumpeted through the headlines today. If
you have any doubt about the ability of the American
propaganda machine, check out this
article. It's a little ditty about the Republicans
planting their own fake reporters amongst real
reporters in the White House scrums. Bastards:
"Jeff Gannon"
is now at least the sixth "journalist"to
have been a propagandist on the payroll of either
the Bush administration or a barely arms-length
ally like Talon News while simultaneously appearing
in print or broadcast forums that purport to be
real news. Of these six, two have been syndicated
newspaper columnists paid by the Department of
Health and Human Services to promote the administration's
"marriage" initiatives. The other four
have played real newsmen on TV. - International
Herald Tribune
And, now that I've addressed Ballistic Missile
Defence, national sovereignty, and the budgetary
increases alotted for our armed forces, I would
like to announce that I'm going to get drunk all
weekend and write, in Hunter S. Thompson's honour.
I suggest everyone do the same.
February 24th, 2005
That's What You Get
Persuant to yesterday's conversation with Mr.
Gander, I thought I'd post one of his favourite
poems, with its overlong title. After one of his
favourite quotes.
"You're a gentleman," they used to say
to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering
people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for
a gentleman." - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Note found pinned to a man's chest on
a Sunday morning after he has awakened to find
his house in ruins, the door open, the liquor
and his car and his wife gone and his brother
lying comatose in the bathtub
We got drunk
Maybe I got out of hand and
You got out of hand
And maybe your missus got out of hand
And there was some fucking
And some fighting
And your brother took six kicks to the balls
But I got to say
It is your own fault
You get me talking bout god
And Americans
And nuns
And then your brother said that Fyodor
Was nothing but a drunk and an epileptic
And never wrote anything worth a ruble covered
in shit
And they should have shot him that day on the
execution grounds
Instead of shipping him to the gulag
What the fuck you expect?
You're lucky I didn’t burn down the cabin
Yours truly,
Mingus Tourette
February 23rd, 2005
Ode on an English Bastard
Gander phoned late at night, long-distance from
Regina. He sounded a bit tipsy, like he'd got
into the scotch. I'd been trying to write love
poetry to Chloe, but it sounded hollow, and I
couldn't think of anything to make 'the shocker'
sound romantic. Not even a bit. Gander didn't
bother to say hello.
"The word you're looking for is 'ekphrasis'",
he said.
"Pardon me?" I said.
"Ekphrasis. It's the word to describe the
process of writing a poem on a piece of art. Thought
you might be interested, what with your work on
the paintings, and all."
He was referring to the recent experiment I had
undertaken, to write a series of poems inspired
by a local painter's artwork.
"It's Greek, I believe. Some tradition of
the Muses, or Homer. On about the beauty of a
particular piece of art."
"Sounds too close to exstasis. Or Metaxis.
Or Metamucil, even," I said. "Why not
just call them art poems?"
He huffed indignantly.
"Because it's not the best word. That's like
comparing 'effervescent' with 'bubbly',"
he said. "And if you ignore the word, you
ignore your tradition. You ignore your forebears.
Like Keats."
"Keats is my forebear?" I said, surprised."
That's funny. I don't think I could name a Keats'
"Oh yes you can," he said. "Ode
on a Grecian Urn. That's Keats."
"I thought that was Tennyson?" I said.
"That's not fucking Tennyson. Tennyson wrote
The Charge of the Light Brigade, among
"I thought Tennyson wrote To An Athlete
Dying Young. I'm pretty sure that's Tennyson."
"That is A. E. Housman."
"I'm pretty sure it's Tennyson. Something
athletic, about crossing the finish line..."
"That is Tennyson, but he was not talking
about sports. He was writing about crossing the
metaphorical bar. HE WAS WRITING ABOUT DYING,
for Christ's sake. "
"Calm the fuck down, I was just saying..."
"I thought you called yourself a poet?"
"Yes, but I don't call myself a dead English
"Here's an update: Keats was the Ode
on a Grecian Urn. Tennyson was The Charge
of the Light Brigade, and Yeats, my dear
"Was a cocksucker."
"He was not."
"Absolutely, he was. Died of AIDS."
I thought I could hear him choke on something.
It sounded like an icecube.
"Yeats did not die of AIDS, you fucking twit.
He died in 1939."
"Oh, you're right. Keats was the cocksucker,
died tragically young. Yeats was the Irishman.
Though I think he had an affair with Ezra Pound."
"None of them were homosexuals, you..."
"I'm pretty sure Pound was Yeats' secretary,
which is pretty much the same as saying he was
Yeat's bitch. Happy, happy boughs, you know?"
"You, sir, are a puerile twat."
And then he hung up. And I went back to writing
February 22nd, 2005
"We were somewhere around Barstow on the
edge of the desert when the drugs began to take
Hunter S. Thompson is dead. This weekend, he put
one of his much-beloved NRA-sanctioned shotguns
to his head and blew it apart.
To learn about the impact Thompson had on journalism,
about his wild character, and his inimitable books
read the news at:
CBC | The
Scotsman | Rolling
Though the last Thompson book I read, Kingdom
of Fear, was nowhere near as good as
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, I was still
hoping for one more big book. Hoping for one last
blast of shitheadery from the master himself.
What kind of personal tribute do you leave for
Hunter S. Thompson? Perhaps I should get drunk,
load up on methamphetamines and run for office.
Or nominate myself for police commissioner. Or
find something worth writing about and sink myself
into it for a year and live it hard and write
it hard, and don't think about the consequences.
I'm coming up on the deadline for some poems.
Maybe this weekend I'll lock myself in a room
with a pen and a notebook, put the bottle of tequila
in front of me, open up the pint of raw ether
and emerge periodically to phone up old friends
in a state of unreasonable panic. And refuse to
sleep until I got twenty new poems pounded into
submission. This sounds about right to me.
Starting Friday night - if you try to contact
me, expect the worst. I'll be crushing out tequila-soaked
dirges, or wandering the night streets with my
lloyd, or screaming right-wing neocon politics
at university students, trying to get a line on
where the serious drugs are. And stealing personas.
And boosting character lines. And speaking in
In his own words:
"The TV business ... is a cruel and shallow
money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves
and pimps run free and good men die like dogs."
- Hunter S. Thompson
"America... just a nation of two hundred
million used car salesmen with all the money we
need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody
else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable."
- Hunter S. Thompson
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn
pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence,
or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked
for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
"You have to get your knowledge of life
from somewhere. You have to know the material
you’re writing about before you alter it."
- Hunter S. Thompson

But What Happened Last
Week? By God, Find Out Here!