June 4, 2004
Red Star Tonight
While the State exists, there can be no freedom.
When there is freedom there will be no State.
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
From each, according to his ability; to each,
according to his need. - Karl Marx
Communism has nothing to do with love. Communism
is an excellent hammer which we use to destroy
our enemy.
- Mao Tse-tung
The theory of the Communists may be summed up
in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.
- Karl Marx
Communism doesn't work because people like to
own stuff.
- Frank Zappa
Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives
only by sucking living labor, and lives the more,
the more labor it sucks. - Karl Marx
Socialism is the same as Communism, only better
English. - George Bernard Shaw
Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him.
Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful
business opportunity. - Karl Marx
If the Soviet empire still existed, I'd be terrified.
The fact is, we can afford a fairly ignorant presidency
now. - Newt Gingrich
Workers of the world unite; you have nothing
to lose but your chains. - Karl Marx
How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone
who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell
an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands
Marx and Lenin. -Ronald Reagan
The rich will do anything for the poor but get
off their backs. -Karl Marx
June 3, 2004
Mingites, T-Shirts and the Unending Ego of Mingus
Recent excitement on the comment boards has
led to rumours that there is a possible market
for t-shirts. The question is: what label would
people like on their t-shirts, if said t-shirts
were to suddenly exist?
And of course, what kind of graphics? Mingus
with the gun? The
sexy nun? Striated cartoon figures with gasmasks
and guns? Buy god, what kind of t-shirts does
the world need?
This is your turn to speak. After this, I'm not
listening to nobody bout nothing. In fact, I may
just retire from the internet all together.
All shirts will be purple and orange.
June 2, 2004
And After That
We were laying there in a soppy sodden mess,
covered in sweat and melted butter that may or
may not have been rancid and I thought about lighting
up a cigarette, but considering the purity of
the moment, I thought I would pass, and thought
about getting a drink, and again, considering
how much salt that was coating my body, it seemed
a little hyrophilic, so I simply lay there and
looked across the bed towards the window. The
moon was full and it cast a yellow light and it
landed roundly on buddha's nipple.
It may have been the butter, or the yellow moonlight,
or maybe the buddha's blood, but I was struck
by how pert her nipple was, how it rose up from
the surrounding flesh, a brown rook, taut and
rigid, pumped full of unused milk, and I felt
the urge to take it in my mouth, and suck it till
it either exploded or offered up a drop of chalky
lactate. So I did, and the taste reminded me of
well-cooked ham, and she gave a little gasp as
I sucked and tried to swallow whatever juices
were left on it. And I don't know if it was the
butter or the sweat or a bit of virgin mother's
milk that went down my throat, but whatever hit
the back of my throat must be what ambrosia tastes
like. Sweet nectar of the gods. Straight from
the buddha's teat.

June 1, 2004
After the Buddha rang, I knew I had some work
to do. Fresh out of lubrication, and still reeling
from a half-bottle of gin, I went to the fridge
to see what lay around that might help me out.
Found an old stick of butter that might have been
a bit spoiled, but it was that or red wine vinegar,
so I brought the butter back to the bed, and being
a gentleman, melted it in my mouth and let it
drip down my chest and onto her stomach before
rubbing it generously into her snatch. One two
fingers and a thumb in the asshole, and gusto!
Giggling and moaning, she wriggled on the sheets,
begging the way that ass bucked up, asking for
a third finger and I obliged, being a gentleman.
But even that was not enough, because this was
no ordinary snatch, this was holy snatch, this
pussy was raised on the top of a mountain by a
hermit woman and her goats, this pussy was raised
to vibrate on the hour, when the great brass bells
were struck in monasteries and a thousand monks'
assholes puckered and breathed relief as they
rose off the stones. This was the yawning mouth
of Shiva, and she deserved a fourth, she was willing
to swallow my hand whole, if not for the thumb.
Her rippling belly, brown and full, like autumn
plains in Southern Mongolia, where the only gods
were lost ancestors, it clenched and sang to me,
lonely goatherd, to tend her grass, and I did,
and the wind whistled down the valley and over
my ears and the maternal hymn rose, as we rolled
over each other in a haze of rain and oestrus.
And then I fucking hammered the shit out of her
ass. God I love it when the buddha's working the
Monday night late shift.
buddha buddha burning bright

May 31, 2004
Tournament of Evil
The Winner Is...
Zygote Publishing and Mingus Tourette are proud
to announce that
'Up on Perv Row' was the winning entry in
the Tournament of Evil.
Over 150 votes were cast in the tournament, and
'Up on Perv Row' ended up with over thirty percent
of the total . Congratulations go to Buckbo for
her inspired take on Nunto
The top three was rounded out in fine form by
Digidod for his inspired artwork with a woman's
shoulder, and Texan Justin
Billington for his super-cool welding
mask. A big thanks to everyone who participated.
If you entered and would like a commemorative
sheet of paper with your name on it and a set
of thumbnails of the other entries, certifying,
that by god, you were there when the first Tournament
of Evil rolled around, let me know, and I will
send it out to you. We hope that you enjoyed it,
and that you'll come back around when the next
one is announced sometime in June.
See the winning entry for Tourette's Tournament
of Evil:
version of Up on Perv Row
sized version of Up on Perv Row
And marvel at the astonishing talent that entered
the Tournament of Evil, by looking
at all of the Tournament Entries!

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