August 17th, 2005
Wheat Kings Ho
I'm heading down to Brandon, Manitoba to give
a three hour workshop called "The Art of
the Big Fat Lie".
Seriously. I'm one of four presenters who will
be covering workshops on poetry, obsession and
writing. I'm leaving tonight and I'll be gone
until Sunday.
Or, maybe I'm just spinning another duster to
cover up the fact that I'm driving down to America
to watch
them blow Hunter Thompson's ashes out of a
cannon this Saturday night.
Remember to pay yer respects wherever you are,
ya bastards.
August 16th, 2005
Beneath Solid Wilkie
Last weekend, I had the pleasure of interviewing
the irascible playwright and thespian, Trent Wilkie,
about his upcoming Fringe
Play, Beneath Solid Ground. We chatted
amiably while pounding Sangria on the gondola
over the Continental Divide and playing a game
of penny-whist. It was a fine old time until one
of the ski-bunnies complained about our nudity.
During that short journey over the Rockies, Trent
pontificated about writing the Citizen Kane
of sketch comedies, or at the very least - the
Citizen Ruth of sketch comedies.
What follows is a transcription of the tape recording
I found the day after the interview. I woke up
that morning in a mountain penthouse suite with
'DIE BEN DIE' written on the wall in blood. A
decapitated marmot was discovered near by, and
Mr. Wilkie was nowhere to be found. Not that he
was necessarily to blame.
Mingus Tourette: (garbled) But
Trent, what the fuck is it about?
Trent Wilkie: Here's the fucking
synopsis, Tourette. Boy is bored, boy meets a
hole in the ground, boy leaves hole in the ground,
other boy meets hole in the ground, boy falls
in and tries to drag everyone down with him. It's
like drawing a picture of someone drawing a picture
of you naked while you are drawing a picture of
god drawing a picture of two unicorns making out
MT: Is this post-modern or avante
TW: Most definitely avant garde.
This is the first re-write I've ever done for
someone else and it was done within a week's time.
It could be wonderful or it could be wonderfully
bad. Both or either would be considered an success
in my books.
MT: No shit. Does it delve
into globalization?
TW: Literally, no. Metaphorically,
no. In a society based upon finding other things
to do besides survive, yes. So, no.
MT: Of course. Does it apply
to World of Warcraft?
TW: In many ways the characters
in the play go on wonderous journeys and are sometimes
in need of "Power Boots of The Falcon"
with +3 Stamina and +3 Agility. Since there isn't
"Cool Boots of Radness" with +3 Elongated
Metaphor Protection...I would say it applies but
only if you have a strong enough group with at
least two warlocks and a healer.
MT: Sure. That makes sense. Hey,
top me up there will you? (pause, sound of ice
cubes in glass) There's a good tit on that one.
Why do you hate Steve Jobs?
TW: Well, after he left mom
and me, we were sorta on our own you know? It
was tough times and our dog kept getting pregnant
so we couldn't really show our face
in town as much. I mean, who would want to grocery
shop when you know that everyone is talking about
how much of a slutty bitch your dog is? Other
than that,
I would say hate is a pretty strong word. I can
honestly say this though, his choice in ties makes
me think that at one point in his life he was
severely concussed.
MT: If you could punch one person
in the face, who would it be?
TW: Ben Mulroney. With his own
fist. A lot.
MT: Ah fuck, I don't know why
I even asked that one. Of course! Now, we know
that sketch comedy is art. Is this more art?
TW: This is more "theatre"
but would I say it is more art? I could say that
but then I could also say that I can fly but that
wouldn't make it true. I mean, I've thought about
flying and art but still, those are just abstract
ideas. I know that it is entertaining, I
know that it is thought provoking, I know that
there are parts that are funny. Now, you can't
milk a cow without touching it's private parts
so there will be moments of yeah,
it's art.
MT: And puppies. Still, eh? What's
with the puppies? If you keep this up, I will
have to call you the John Irving of puppies! (sound
of glass shattering)
TW: I won them in a bake sale.
They keep the ghosts away. I bet you didn't know
that ghosts are scared of puppies eh? Not so smart
are you now eh Tourette? I bet that cloud city
you are living in doesn't come across as being
so shit hot anymore eh? PUPPIES 4EVA! No ghosts
allowed! What?
(distant crashing sound, following by screaming
and Mingus Tourette vaguely muttering "Oh
fuck, here comes the cavalry.")
Beneath Solid Ground starts this Friday,
August 19th, at Midnight. If ever there was a
show to attend on a Friday night while heavily
intoxicated, this is it. As a man who has honestly
sat on stage and loudly heckled Mr. Wilkie while
vigourously drunk, I highly recommend it. It is
good fun. And, if you are a pussy, there are even
some afternoon shows. MORE
August 15th, 2005
The Finish Line
is the card I handed my Ma on the weekend. She
finished her cancer treatment on Friday. It's
been nine months since the diagnosis, and she's
gone through surgery, chemo and radiation. She
doesn't have her official clean bill of health
yet, but things look good. And she's growing some
hair back. Soon, she'll have more than me. And
she's getting stronger.
So, thanks to all the folks who've asked after
her over the past year, and said encouraging things.
It is much appreciated.

August 11th, 2005
near the red-bricked armoury
a mottled band of pigeons
pick at the morning's meal
sharing a drunk's
pancake of vomit
nattering at each other
over the best chunks
August 10th, 2005
The Black and the White
This past weekend, Morrie, Sierra and I spat
at each other through a four hour script meeting.
We discussed the current headknock we're having
about the giant squid movie. I continued to push
it in the direction of terror and horror. Sierra,
as usual, continued to take the middle ground.
In essence, she wants to rewrite Jaws
2 with a giant squid. Morrie shifted between
his classical neo-Spielberg sensibility to the
worst Bruckheimer excesses one could possibly
conjure. He continues to leave the bit about the
nuclear submarine, the REALLY BIG GIANT SQUID
and the Empire State Building in his version of
the script.
At one point, after Sierra and I vehemently disagreed
about the protagonist's origin, Morrie busted
out the idea of making the whole thing more 'film
noir'. If I'd been drinking doubles, I would have
punched him in the throat.
I've seen a number of film noir, but I'm no expert.
Anyone got a pile of movie suggestions I can shove
up Morrie's ass?
August 8th, 2005
Hot Summer Poetry Smash Up
Are you ready to have your face ripped off?
Are you ready to rock like a hurricane? Are you
ready to burn down poetry and build a beautiful
swallow-thronged loft in its stead? Are you ready
to flail around like half an octopus on a beach
of tiny sentences? We sure hope so FOR THE FOLLOWING
THE poetry event of the summer is ONE mere day
away. You BETTER be ready to read poems and listen
hard to them, my friends. And now, the Raving
Poets Summer Blowout Poetry Party
promotes itself with the following concrete details!!!
Raving Poets Summer Blowjob Poetry Party
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
The Iron Horse Pub
81 Avenue, 103 Street
Twenty reader open mic event
with live improvisational music
courtesy of the Raving Poets Band.
Bring your verse and as many non-poets as possible.
This one’s gonna be a barn burner*. More
info at
*That is, if they forget about the last time Mingus
Tourette was there, and they deign to let him
back in the place. Whoop!
August 3rd, 2005
Apparently, my lovely essay entitled 'Fuck the
Blogosphere Part Two' has coincided with the Blogathon.
So, I'm supposed to say that you should support
a nerd who is supporting some inane charity. Or,
just blow it on cheap gin this weekend and wake
up face down in the grass at your favourite festival,
your body naked and picked over by carnies. Remember,
it's not humiliating if you're not spotted by
anyone in your immediate family.
In other news, a couple of bon mots from our old
friend George:
"We are defeating the terrorists in a place
like Iraq so we don't have to face them here at
home..." - NY
And finally, Mingus
Tourette reports on his reading in Bragg Creek.
I would post it here, but it is much more amusing
on the WGA site. Especially when compared with
the other reports from the road. Man, I'm such
a self-aggrandizing jackass sometimes.
After reading to drunk hippies at the South Country
Fair, I drove my pink ambulance to Bragg Creek
... MORE
August 3rd, 2005
Fuck the Blogosphere Part Two
Here's the thing about blogs.
Sometimes they can be excellent. Most of the time,
they are not. This is because most people don't
lead lives that are exciting enough to make the
blog more than ephemeral. Even if the writer's
life is exciting, there is no story arc that the
writer can foresee, which removes a load of storytelling
techniques. It's an intrinsic difficulty with
the 'art form', and has been kicking around ever
since writers started publishing their diaries.
Certainly, Anais Nin and Samuel Johnson were famous
diarists with some good stories, but I don't know
anyone who has plowed through their life's work.
I'm guessing it's loaded with pages of the mundane.
Simply enough, Anais couldn't have fucked all
day, every day, and written beautifully about
it. I know she spent a lot of time obsessing about
printing and typography, and that might have been
slightly interesting, but nothing like sucking
off Henry Miller near the Seine. If Anne Frank
had lived in Boston and grown up with a crush
on a local car maker instead of living in a ceiling
and dying in the concentration camp, nobody would
give a shit who she was, or her diary. So why
would I care about someone who lives in Boston
today and has a crush on a car maker? Mostly,
I don't.
I do read some blogs regularly. But I don't know
that they'll ever have the same emotional and
artistic power that a novel or a film will. There
is one good reason for this: to really be able
to gut a reader, you have to be completely honest.
And when you're really honest on a daily basis
in a public forum IT CAN REALLY FUCK UP YOUR LIFE.
Even when you lie as much as I do, and you tell
people that nothing is true, they still remember
that you really did get thrown out of the Commercial
after chugging malt liquor at your own art and
WELL. That means the story about banging an Iranian
prostitute in a dumpster must be true and the
one about getting high on seven year old mushrooms
while watching Straw Dogs is true, and also the
one about stealing your sick mother's wig for
a Pepsi commercial audition - that is also true,
and you are one deranged fucko.
And I am, that is true. But I do lie a lot, and
people know this, and it still gets me into trouble
on occasion. So sometimes, I say nothing, even
when there is some really interesting shit going
on. It's funny. I realize there are things I could
never say here that I could certainly write about
in a longer form book sometime later. Maybe because
it would all be past, and there would be fewer
repercussions or I could cover it with a sheen
of 'fiction', and everyone would be happy. Certainly,
I couldn't have written out the story of Nat and
I, or the aftermath, while it was happening. She
would have killed me with a kitchen knife one
drunken night. I'm sure of that. So that's the
advantage of a memoir or an autobiography - truth
and hindsight. And editing.
So I wonder why I am spending so much of my time
on this blog.
I mean, it is brilliant to be able to experiment
and I find I write a lot of poetry in this form
and the work definitely gets honed when you know
that somebody will be reading it in an hour. So
it hardens the writing. And I like that. But it
isn't finishing any great narratives.
I've talked about this before, but I guess I hadn't
really reached a point where I thought about shutting
it down. Or changing it seriously. Like I am now.
To me, the best blogs are specialized. They have
a niche. Matt
Good does fantastic political commentary.
Crispin kicks the shit out of American Literature
news. Gravel
does poetry and the city,
Ron Silliman does poetics, Marcuse
does ennui, Afrochic
tells the honest stories of men and nudie bars,
does crazy surreal life, Dooce
does the psychotic motherhood and Jacquelyn
is probably the best natural short form writer
I've read on the web, turning nothingness into
beautiful shit on a daily basis. At the best,
this site turns in tales from the drunken choir
and other tragic "ALL BALLS NO GLORY"
mementos. But I don't know what comes out of it.
Can these things become books? Can they become
essays and dissertations? Or do they need to be?
Is the blog simply ephemeral, and should we just
appreciate it as such? And, if an artist is hell
bent on building paeans of his ideas and thoughts
and loves and characters, would he be better off
putting his efforts elsewhere?
In the past, I've mentioned changing the focus
of this site - using the regular posting nature
to work through more of the long form material.
I like that idea, but I imagine that I'd have
to update less frequently. Anything posted on
the site would be liable to be changed drastically
in its final form, which might fuck with some
people's heads. And, if I start posting things
like character sketches and so on, could that
ruin a finished book for a reader?
And, if it's a completely different book - about
Roast Krakens or Enoch Lucius or Chrome Rigby
or the Write the Nation tour, should it be at
Maybe this thing just needs a new place to live.
Like moving to a new city. Originally, I put everything
at, because I wanted the book
to be the focus. But the focus is moving off of
that. There is still life in it, and if Chapters
picks it up, there could be WAY more life in it,
but if they don't, its time as a current work
will be done. Quite often, I have thought of moving
the blog over to something like or,
pulling the forty best posts out of the archives
and making something sensible out of it all. But
I have also been talking with other writers about
collaboration sites - maybe between myself and
Marvin and a few others in the Koboko School of
Writing. Or maybe between myself and like-minded
writers from across the country. There are many
possibilities. Maybe becomes a summary
about the book, and the rest of it moves. And
when I write online, it goes to a different site,
and even the nature of that that changes. Or maybe
I just go on hiatus, and come back to the site
when I am ready to return, and I have a new book
or something to talk about. Or maybe I just turn
off the machines for awhile and see if I ever
want to turn them back on. Those are a few of
the ideas.
So, there are possibilities for evolution and
movement and exit. Originally, I would have just
done whatever the exact fuck I felt like doing.
But it's funny - somewhere along the way, there
were a few people who started reading this site
and a little community sprang up and I started
to give a shit about what it thought. With the
exception of rex logger. Who is a real dumb fuck,
though we love him anyway. So. If you have any
smart thoughts on this site and its future, it
would be good to hear about them. - MT
August 2nd, 2005
The Sod Layers
the fellahs
laying turf
are pissed off
at last night's rain
and those fuck knobs
from construction
who didn't leave the ground level
the foreman
who is hungover
looks up at the rolls of sod on the flatbed truck
and says
that fucking cocksucker
in the bobcat
what the fuck was he thinking?
that fucking knobgobbler
look at those fucking ruts
we're going to have to
fucking fill those
fuckers in with fucking shovels
before we hit the fucking rakes
he spits on one of the shovels
the brown sputum trailing down the handle
to the dirt
two girls in short shorts
walk by
smelling like blooming flowers
after a downpour
the fellahs go quiet and stare at the mud
and the sod
and the sky
and once the girls pass
the fellahs stare at those long brown legs
and they sigh
well, says the man from the West Indies
who is undoing the straps on the flatbed
where the fuck we gonna start?
the foreman
stoops and surveys the slight rise in the earth
and stares out at the green valley beyond it
coughs - spits again
wherever she's fucking driest
he says
wherever she's fucking dry
July 28th, 2005
Death of the Jabberwock
a sour chattering of skin
the ring of imaginary gunshots
and tambourines on the street
Indian food
eaten out of discarded styrofoam
by indians
like rivets
on the tongue
shadow of the jabberwocky
his apartment empty
the old gait stilled - and his son
gone galumphing back
July 27th, 2005
Doktor Ruin: Initiation
We are once again proud to present a strange
tale of Doktor Ruin. This time, the good Doktor
remembers summer camp.
I suppose I should start this story with a description
of my urethra.
As a tot swimming in the Amazon, I had a painful
experience with a barbed minnow which lodged itself
in my urinary tract. Local medicine being primitive
at that time, the village elder simply grasped
the wriggling tail protruding from my glans and
pulled mightily. This has left irregular, meaty
sections of the walls of my sacred canal to twist
and 'flap' during any flow within. While incredibly
painful, during my teenage years I came to anticipate
this greedily.
In the summer of my thirteenth year my penance
for degrading a junior at military academy was
to perform camp counsellor duties for the summer.
I suffered mightily, as the extreme heat caused
me to sweat profusely, and regardless of the volume
of liquids consumed, I had not egested in many
My swollen kidneys ached. Pounded. Throbbed.
One of the mewling brats we minded at the camp
had been ostracized from his peers. Pale, meek,
and feminine, the other counsellors pitied this
sissy, but I tolerate no weakness. Imagine my
disgust when told to take this boy fishing to
"raise his spirits" after a particularily
cruel taunting.
Having not enjoyed my regular urinary irritation
in many days, I was in a foul mood. As I sat in
the canoe, the humidity made me lightheaded and
the pulsing in my kidneys spread to a sickly heat
in my loins and testicles.
The others pitied him, but I tried to scheme
a punishment for his frailty.
The boy, having silently endured an hour of my
hateful stare, was starting to tremble slightly.
When the fishing pole jerked in my hands, he twitched
and stifled a terrified squeal.
My gaze never left his as I reeled in my catch.
Soon I had the slimy wiggler gripped in both hands,
cradling it in my lap. And I thought of a way
to make a man of this boy.
"Kneel at my feet, son."
His eyes opened wide. Clearly he knew that some
new torture was devised, but was powerless when
presented with authority.
"I said kneel!" I shouted, and my scream
echoed off the empty lake. At this he hurried
forward, kneeling between my legs even as he started
quietly sobbing. Sweat moistened his lips; he
offered his hands when commanded.
And then a curious thing happened.
I had not noticed the idling outboard vibrating
against my back, but it had a hysteric effect
on my inflamed kidneys. A seizure shot down my
spine as the flesh on my arms and neck contracted
forcefully. The fish sensed my loosening grip
and wriggled violently, squirting past the boy
and to the open water.
I could feel a dry, greenish brown paste scraping
the meaty tendrils of my urethral walls. I whimpered
as six days of accumulated effluent oozed through
my ermine swimwear. It was a triumphant moment.
As an adult, the kid somehow became famous with
an autobiography. I was clearly going to make
him assertive and masculine by making him kill
the fish, just as my fathers tempered me by having
me eat my brother when I was six. His purple prose
turned this beautiful experience into some sort
of lurid sex tale, and American tabloid mentality
ate it up. Just goes to show that people love
reading perverted garbage.
Postscript: Don't bother returning to the Amazon,
they've done something wimpy to the water.
Contributed by Doktor
July 25th, 2005
Back on the SaddleHorn
The funniest moment of the tour came while watching
Agogo as he MC-ed the Saturday night main
stage. The roadies were rushing about with instruments
and cables, and he had a couple thousand drunk
hippies to entertain between bands. So he put
on a Carnival mask and did a little dance, and
said, "Guess what I am?". He ran over
to the middle of the stage and did a big leg-split
shumka leap, touching his feet with his fingers.
He screamed, "I'm a Ukranian mime!".
The crowd cheered wildly. So he said, "You
want to see it again?". And the crowd cheered
So he repeated the big Ukranian dance jump, touching
his fingers to his toes in mid-air, but he must
have overdone it, because this time, his pants
exploded. They ripped right up the ass, all the
way down to his right knee. He handled it beautifully,
though. He inspected the damage, looked up and
screamed, "Who wants my pants?". He
emptied his pockets, pulled the pants off to reveal
his long white underwear, swung the shredded trophy
around his head and threw it into the audience.
They went nuts, fighting over his torn khakhis.
He introduced the band in his long underwear.
I was sitting backstage with a beer in my hand,
and I had to clap, and yell bravo as he walked
off. He was laughing hard and swore it was unrehearsed,
and then briefly lamented the loss of another
three dollar pair of pants. I empathized. It is
tough to find a good pair of pants for less than
five bucks. But it was a beautiful festival moment.
Yeah, I made it home. And I got to say, I feel
like I got my legs back.

But What Happened Last Week? By God, Find Out