July 31st, 2006
Wherez the Beef
Dear Mingus Tourette,
I have noticed that your entries from the last
month consist of links to other people's books.
The question is: what are you writing these days?
That is to say; where is your next book, you silly
chav? I need the money you'll pay me to write
the foreword.
Marvin Gander

July 26th, 2006
Therefore Repent!
Looks like Jim Munroe, founder of the Perpetual
Motion Roadshow has a new book out called Therefore
Repent! - and it's a comic! I particularly
like his comments on it:
In the tradition of The
Book of Revelations, it’s a pretty wild
dark fantasy tale filled with demons and swords
and blood. I’ve always been a fan of the
kookier parts of the bible, being able to understand
that it’s a story rich with symbolism rather
than literal truth. But kind of like the people
who learn Klingon and quote Kirk in episode 22,
Christian fundamentalists take the bible way too
seriously and ruin it for the rest of us. The
difference is, instead of gathering harmlessly
at Star Trek conventions, the fundies have taken
over the White House and are trying to control
people’s lives.
it out. Or check out the 24 page prequel to
it that he has linked (for free & online).
Pretty rad.

July 20th, 2006
Theszka Looming
pal Ian Daffern is coming in from Toronto. He
has never seen E-Ville before. Or the West. It
is imperative that he enjoy some fine local cuisine,
drink some draught beer and enjoy our finest karaoke,
perhaps after a drinking walk in the river valley.
Especially since he will be reeling from the exposure
to sundry cowboy sodomites from the Stampede.
For those who don't know him - he did the sweet-ass
Zed story on the WTN Tour. And, he once made
out with Kirsten Dunst. And, does a MEAN Alanis
Morrisette on the mic.
Saturday night. Anyone in?

July 19th, 2006
The Minister's New Book
Faust's new book is looming on the horizon.
out the cover.
And the copy says:
They’re Earth’s mightiest super-team.
And dysfunctional as hell.
Having survived arch-criminal assaults in the
1950s, intergalactic aggression in the 1960s,
affirmative action battles in the 1970s, and finally
defeating all its arch-enemies in a battle global
in the 1980s, the Fantastic Order Of Justice finds
itself in a peaceful world without super villains--and
thus bereft of a mandate.
Without external foes, the phenomenal F*O*O*Jsters
are reduced to waging toxic office politics rife
with their own arcane idiosyncrasies, bizarre
perversions, mutual contempt and explosive neuroses,
leading to what must sooner or later be a workplace
super-powered civil war.
Only one woman can save them from themselves:
Dr. Eva Brain-Silverman, AKA Doctor Brain, the
world's leading therapist for the extraordinarily-abled.
But when the planet's most hallowed hero dies
unexpectedly, career-ending depression descends,
accusations fly and conspiracy theories boil--is
the age of heroes truly over, or has an old foe
returned to exact revenge on them all? Can the
F*O*O*J survive its two greatest threats: assassination
and group therapy?
Whattaya think?

July 11th, 2006
Mingus Tourette Wins Literary Competition for
the First Time Ever
From the official blog of Edmonton
Journal web editor & local reporter, Larry
Edmonton poet Mingus Tourette is the winner
of our playoff poetry contest for his poem Blood
on the Ice.
His was one of 13 poems I received after
asking readers for inspirational verse about their
favourite hockey team during the playoffs. All
entries were excellent. But Journal editor-in-chief
Allan Mayer, who judged the poetry contest, thought
Tourette’s spoke loudest about our human
need to celebrate danger and glory through the
lives of others.
He wins our grand prize, the Journal book
Edmonton Oilers: Celebrating 25 Years in the Heartland
of Hockey, by hockey writer Ray Turchansky.
Hell yeah. That's what I'm talking about. It
almost eases the Game 7 loss pain.
But not really.
But what will?
Here's the winning poem, for those who missed
Blood on the Ice
In Germany
they clap for pilots
after a good landing
we scream thank you
at the bus drivers
after proper steerage
through the salt-stained slush.
But then
we have Ice in our blood
thick, coppery,
Keeps us
screaming when
the blood on the ice
isn't ours.
Yes. God Bless you, Fernando.
This is your crusade.
Rubber in the Net.
Oil in the Cup.
Blood on the Ice.
Whatever it takes.

July 10th, 2006
If you've been following the Mingus Tourette
vs. the Critic Bouchard saga in
SEE magazine, you should pick up last Thursday's
issue before it disappears. Check the Letters
section. Looks like the final chapter. For now.

July 6th, 2006
Dog Killer!
It's official. Edmonton's favourite transplanted
American son has a new book out. His fifth. It's
called Dog
Killer. It's big enough to get reviews in
Publishers Weekly and BookList, and it's super
That's right. New! Always funny!
Bob the Angry Flower. Believe it. If you don't,
check out his latest comic - Scrotoss!
It's nuts! Buy it!
PS. Ignore the Pub Weekly review. Check the Booklist.
Believe it or not, Pub Weekly still has anonymous
reviews. Which I believe is complete bullshit.
BookList gives Dog Killer an amiable thumbs up:
"Notley's syndicated Bob the Angry Flower
exemplifies the new science-fiction comics...
Energetically drawn, top-drawer madness."
So there. And look at the other funnies. Web
Shit! Evangelion!

July 4th, 2006
Happy Canada Day
One of my longtime best friends in the world
is a soldier. Last week, he found out that he
is going to Afghanistan in a month. Platoon Commander.
For six months.
This is what he wants, so I am happy for him for
that. The war is the story that he's been seeking.
It will incredible and horrifying, unmistakably.
I don't think he has any illusions about it. He
goes willingly, knowingly.
But it will be tense news-reading every time there's
a casualty. Every time, I'll be hoping like fuck
it's someone else's name. If I prayed, I would.
But I don't. So I won't, but say one thing.
Do whatever you gotta do to stay alive, brother.
You're one of my oldest friends and irreplaceable,
so you try like fucking everything to make it
home safe. That's it.

But What Happened Last Month? By God, Find Out