December 3rd, 2004
$ 100B Articles 3
The Anti-Genocide Unit
And after setting up his Breeding Program, Mingus
would spend some of his money on world peace.
Sort of.
In a rare moment of altruism that I don't fully
understand yet, I would establish the primary
Anti-Genocide Unit. The Unit would be constructed
much like the Island Defense Corps, with the heavy
air-cavalry, tanks, transports and well-trained
mercenaries. The AGU's purpose would be to prevent
mass-civilian murder situations like Rwanda or
Yugoslavia (or Darfur?) from occuring whenever
necessary. In all likelihood, it would be mobilized
whenever the UN was too mired in bureaucracy to
use military power, or the US was too disinterested
in a country full of brown people with no oil.
As I state in rare moments of open fear, or in
Nunto 57, genocide bothers me. As do executions.
So, with a hundred billion dollars, I could do
my part to put heavy armaments in between the
people of one ethnic group with guns and the people
in another ethnic group without guns.
It seems like the one decent thing that someone
with a lot of money could do before getting back
to the Breeding Programs, hippo pit fighting and
malachite thrones.
the so-called wrong comes in letting them know
they will die before they are killed
setting upon them
a relentless terror in their last days or minutes
like the hour of fear on the Steppes at Babi Yar
or the twenty years spent in a Southern row of
populated with vagrants too depleted to afford
their own lives
-excerpted from Nunto 57

December 2nd, 2004
$ 100B Articles 1 & 2:
The Compound & Breeding Program
After declaring one's self an international
citizen, the first order of business is establishing
a base of operations. Or two. For many reasons,
a large tropical island makes the most sense.
Traffic is easy to monitor, security is tight,
and the temperature is right for sunbathing ladies.
After purchasing the island, the next step is
to heavily fortify it. The reasons for this will
become obvious in a moment. Now, as expensive
as it may seem to equip a modern military force,
the basics can be purchased for relatively few
billions of dollars. I believe an AH-64 Apache
Assault helicopter goes for about $10 million
these days. Therefore, fifty Apaches should only
cost half a billion dollars, and they should be
sufficient to keep most interlopers off the property.
30 mm depleted Uranium shells, fired at a rate
of 4600/ minute are fantastic for this! Throw
in assorted tanks, gunships and fighter jets,
and we have a solid Island Defense Corps, as well
as the Secondary Anti-Genocide Unit.
The armed forces are necessary to protect a number
of possibly unpopular programs on the island,
such as: the Breeding Program, the Cloning Program,
the Mainframe Sentience Program, the Platinum
Pornography Club, a commune of drunken poets,
the Heavy Robotics Suit Division and the quite
important International Lobby & Propaganda
After the Island Defense Corps and the Secondary
Anti-Genocide Unit are in place, the Breeding
Program can begin!
The breeding program closely follows Mingus' paradigm
that we are all animals, and as such, we have
two primary directives in life; to survive and
to procreate. Indeed, the biological imperative
dictates that the male attempt to reproduce as
many times as possible within his lifetime. Typically,
he undergoes a pair-bonding with a female and
they raise a small brood that will carry his genes
into the next generation. In some historical cases,
however, the male has the opportunity to reproduce
at a much higher level. The best example of this
remains Moulay Ismail (the Bloodthirsty), a Moroccan
sultan who lived in the 1700s and sired 888 children.
The aim of any biologically-motivated billionaire
should be to eclipse Ismail's record and forever
genetically imprint the human race with his own
stamp. The best way to do this is as follows:
a. Advertise in every major paper in the world
for willing, intelligent, independent, physically-fit
women interested in bearing the children of the
billionaire. Participants receive one million
dollars for the breeding process, plus one million
dollars for each year that they spend raising
their child in their homeland. The children are
to be raised to a certain standard of education
and provided for in the best medical capacity.
b.Vigorous screening process of potential applicants.
c. Selection of candidates, and transportation
to the island.
d.Inspection and quarantining (nine weeks) of
candidates to ensure they are free of any communicable
e. Breeding and birthing. Candidates have brief,
heated affair with the billionaire during their
optimal period of conception. After conceiving,
they undergo a period of observation to insure
proper impregnation. Once the second trimester
has been reached, the candidates have the option
to return home or remain on the island for the
rest of the pregnancy.
f. Return of mother and child (or foetus) to home
g. Raising of child.
The women obviously have to spend some time on
the island, and to prevent them from being cuckolded
by any males besides the billionaire, they will
be accompanied by women bodyguards, mostly ex-Mossad
The program aims to achieve a maximum number of
births across the widest possible geological and
genetic spectrum with the highest quality females.
Though the program is certain to be unpopular
with some groups such as "Christians",
"Muslims" and "Americans",
it is the most logical extrapolation of the biological
imperative and would therefore be implemented
by the billionaire. If the project seems unlikely
to work in the face of this fundamental religious
and legal criticism, it should be pointed out
that laws do not apply to the international billionaire,
nor do morals, lobby groups or anything else,
except for overwhelming military force. Which
is why the Island Defense Corps / Secondary Anti-Genocide
Unit, capable of firing 230 000 rounds per minute,
More morally offensive material tomorrow.

December 1st, 2004
intermezzo one
Due to some unforeseen pressure from lobby groups,
there will be a slight delay in the examination
of the One Hundred Billion Dollar Question while
we have a long discussion with some unhappy 'moral'
groups. All I can say at this point, is that Ben
Mulroney can go fuck himself.
If you're reading this, Ben, that Kalan Porter
kid looks like a hobbit, and you sir, you look
like Tea Baggins. To you and your little armada
of neo-right wing conservative American Idol North
co-conspirators, I say one thing as it applies
to the 100B and to everything else:
Morals do not apply to me.
They are fictions designed by priests to keep
the sheep in check.
In other news, the average temperature in this
fine city during the month of November was eight
degrees higher than usual, but no, Virginia, there
is no global warming.
Goodbye, polar
bears.We'll keep photos of you up beside the
snapshot of Martha, the last Passenger Pigeon,
dying in her cage, alone and bedraggled, way back
in 1912.
We're just so good at the extinction dance.
November 30th, 2004
The Hundred Billion Dollar Conversation
For several years, I have been starting the
same conversation. I begin by mentioning that
Bill Gates was worth 90 Billion Dollars (USD)
in 1999. At that point, it was entirely possibly
for him to cash in, retire, and live out his years
driving around a golden castle in a platinum go-kart,
trying to run over bikini models wearing diamond
brassieres. Instead, he foolishly chose to remain
as chief software architect at the world's most
powerful software company. The most interesting
thing he has done with his vast fortune is to
"tackle global health & education with
the $24 Billion Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."
How dull.
His long-time software partner, Paul Allen, has
taken a much better crack at spending billions
of dollars, buying up the Seattle Seahawks, the
Portland Trailblazers and a big chunk of Spielberg's
Dreamworks. He's also had some vision, sponsoring
SpaceShipOne, the first civilian effort to successfully
put man in suborbital space, and the Experience
Music Project, a $250 Million Jimi Hendrix museum.
Much more interesting.
However, neither one has fully realized the potential
of their situation. With that much money, or with
One Hundred Billion Dollars, a person could do
just about anything: space travel, invasions,
cure diseases, eliminate hunger, etc...
The question at the heart of the conversation
is: what would YOU do with one hundred billion
Before answering rashly, please consider the power
of that much money, and the scope one must operate
on to properly answer this question. The answer
is not " I would buy the Edmonton Oilers,
stock the team with superstars and win the Stanley
Cup". The answer is: "I would buy the
NHL, move it to Edmonton and watch it in my backyard
every night. And eat my chicken soup out of the
Stanley Cup. And people would refer to me as "Your
Lord Very High Commissioner". "
Don't laugh. At $100 Million or so per team, 30
teams, we're only looking at $3 to $5 billion.
With that much money, almost anything is possible,
IF applied with the proper imagination, determination
and wit. However, without imagination, most people
end up sounding like beauty contestants, planning
vaguely for world peace. In my opinion, a beauty
contestant's world peace is no match for Mingus's
highly trained armed forces, with their C-130
gunships, AH-64 Apache assault helicopters, fighter
jets, tanks, subs, bunker busters and well-drilled
mercenaries. Or the ninja assassins. Or the ex-Ghurkha
bodyguards. Or the ex-Mossad intelligence agents.
Or the cargo plane strapped to a 15 000 pound
BLU-82 Daisy Cutter with the word 'irony' stencilled
on it in crayon. Badaboom.
Over the next three days (or more, possibly),
I will lay out my personal platform for the spending
of one hundred billion dollars. This will be done
to give a fine example of how to start this conversation.
Soon, it may be your turn.
As it is, I hope you enjoy it. This conversation
is one that I have been starting for many years,
because I find that people's answers say a great
deal about their imagination, their core desires
and their will. It can be a lot of fun, it can
be frightening, it can be a grand distraction
from the reality of sitting up late, staring out
at the city and wondering where Chloe is, wondering
when the evening will seem less lonely.
November 29th, 2004
a return to the first
My publisher was happy to inform me that we
got our first Australian order on the weekend.
However, during the course of researching shipping
prices, he found this little ditty. It made him
a bit nervous, but I assured him that the best
thing that could happen to him at this point would
be his arrest for a violation of Section B Chapter
Canada Postal Guide
Section B – Chapter 07
Non-mailable Matter
Non-mailable Matter
Any mail which is prohibited by law or which contains
products or substances that could expose a person
to danger or soil or damage either other mail
or postal equipment.
Criminal Code and Other Offences
Any person using the mail for the delivery of
any one of the following items commits an offence:
(a) articles
that are obscene, indecent, immoral or scurrilous
I told him that after he is is charged and has
to appear in court for a preliminary hearing,
he should stand up before anything happens and
scream out:
"I am guilty as fucking charged, your honour.
Now hang me, throw me in the fucking brig or fuck
the fuck off, cause I got no fucking money to
pay your goddamned fines, you fascist bastards.
I also suggested he commit a series of daring
bank robberies to finance my next book, but I
don't think either proposal was taken under serious
This bit of conversation was the first item on
the agenda of a major brain trust cookout between
myself, the publisher and Xanadu, who I invited
along because the publisher and I are running
out of steam, and Xanadu's full of hot air and
bullshit. We ended up with a few new plans, which
include, roughly:
a. new press releases for upcoming television
stories on the tour
b. the 'polarized opinion' press release
c. a hot, new, widely-misleading contest which
will be available to everyone
d. national classifieds
e. Mingus Tourette 2005 Calendars (Best of the
f. Book Club Reading Services, rendered for old
women's book clubs
g. The Vatican Assault (classified)
h. major changes to this fucking site
i. Introduce new slogan. Poetry: Not Just for
Obituaries Anymore
j . Ruining Christmas 2004
Explanations of some of these items will occur
in the near future. All I can say is: Pay very
close attention to this week's Daily Mingus. It
will be quite important to your future well being.
But What Happened Last
Week? By God, Find Out Here!