March 18th, 2005
Drumroll, Please
And now, the Daily Mingus would like to
present its first true literary essay, as written
by Master's Candidate (Women's Studies), Bernard
Hurley. Bernard has cautioned me that the essay
needs fuller documentation before he submits it,
and perhaps a bit more development in areas. As
I mentioned earlier, he is interested in feedback
on this from 'the layman', or anyone who has read
the book.
If you have questions for myself or Bernard, please
ask, and we will try to answer them in the near
future. Thoughts and vigourous debate are encouraged.
If you think it is brilliant or bullshit, let us
know. And now, without further ado:
A Freudian Reading of Mingus Tourette's Post-Novel
Nunt With the nature of masculinity
becoming more and more fraught with doubt as the
Western world slowly sloughs off the shackles
of patriarchy, a new sub-genre of literary works
has emerged which deals with the male subconscious
in a sometimes shockingly overt way. Exemplary
among these works is Mingus Tourette's long poem
Nunt, which deals with a man's attempt
to re-assert his traditional manhood after failing
in the traditional societal roles of both husband
and father.
Freudian implications can be found throughout
the work, beginning with the preface, which outlines
the horrific miscarriage and ensuing divorce which
spur the violent bender that makes up the bulk
of the book. Clearly, Tourette's unsettled state
is created by his attempt to assume the adult,
post-Oedipal role of father and husband, an attempt
which fails spectacularly. This forces a regression
in Tourette to his Oedipal stage, dominated by
his desire for his mother and fear of castration
at the hands of his father.
The castration complex expresses itself clearly
in such sections as Nunto Two, in which Tourette
threatens to leave an adversary "cockless
in the gutter". Later, images of castration
are once again projected onto others. In one poem,
Tourette recounts instructions given him by his
“crazy Polish fighting coach” regarding
the proper way in which to pull out a man's eye-
how to “rip it off like you’re starting
a lawnmower”. This is an obvious metaphor
for castration, outlined by Freud in his essay
The Uncanny. What is interesting about this
instance of the castration complex is the explicit
links between the knowledge of castration and
a father figure, or coach. Tourette has learned
from his 'father' how to castrate, and desperately
attempts to project this fate onto others, in
order to hide his own fear of castration. Castrating
others is equated with autonomy from the mother
figure, as Tourette attempts to “cut the
cord” of his attackers spine, a latent reference
to his own umbilical cord. The ability to castrate,
that is, the ability to become the father and
be successfully Oedipalized, is so powerful that
Tourette believes it will frighten off an entire
group of attackers. However, drunk and ill throughout
much of Nunt, Tourette's chances of performing
a castration, physical or metaphorical, on any
of hi various attackers is doubtful. His fear
of castration perpetuates, as does his longing
to surpass it.
The second element of the Oedipal complex, desire
for one's mother, is also strongly present, most
notably in a section dealing with Tourette's desire
to be smothered to death by a prostitute's breasts.
Not only is the eroticized portion of the body
the breast, the most maternal appendage, but the
breast belongs to a prostitute, which implies
Tourette's unconscious desire to truly own or
possess women, and by extension, his mother. The
contingency of his desire on the forces of capitalism
again implies Tourette’s fundamental masculine
insecurity, as does the conflation of the pleasure
principle with the death drive. Also noteworthy
is the prostitute’s Iranian heritage, which
implies a certain exoticism and causes Tourette
to label her “a real old-fashioned Middle
Eastern whore”. This reinforcement of women
as ‘other’, can be read as yet another
desperate attempt to identify with ‘men’.
This persistent re-inscribing of the subject/other
binary finds latent expression through Tourette’s
ubiquitous reference to defecation. In the anal
stage of development, the ejection of faeces plays
a key role in the creation of ego boundaries,
and the differentation of one’s self from
the outside world. Developed by Kristeva into
a psychoanalytic explanation of sexism, homophobia,
and racism, abjection is what Judith Butler cheerfully
describes as “the mode by which Others become
shit”. However, since abjection is only
possible through the permeability of the body,
it also signifies moments of exchange and transgression,
a connotation that Tourette is clearly aware of
in his many descriptions of anal penetration.
Sometimes, Tourette is the subject excreting,
such as when he symbolically rejects urban society
by “leaning backwards over [the balcony]
rail/defecating on the city”. In other places,
he identifies himself with the matter being objected,
most notably in a passage conflating his phallus
with faeces, advising a sex partner that anal
penetration is like “taking a big shit”,
but “in reverse”. This self-identification
with the abject is politically suspect, as true
abjection, true ‘othering’ is always
a process imposed by a hegemonic power structure,
never deliberately assumed. Tourette’s self-abjection
can only be read as an expression of profound
psychic anxiety, or perhaps a martyr complex.
These moments are fleeting, however, and the subject
matter soon returns to the abjection of the ‘girls’
who remain passive receptacles of his phallus/faeces.
However, Tourette’s treatment of women is
not an one-dimensionally chauvinistic as it appears
on first glance. As argued by feminist psychoanalyst
Laura Mulvey, fetishized images of women have
nothing to do with the women in question, but
are rather mere projections of man’s castration
complex. Women signify lack. This identification
of femininity and castration can be seen in Tourette’s
repeated assignment of female characteristics
to the male adversaries he attempts to castrate,
describing their “skirt[s]” and “cunt
hairs” and calling them “cock suckers”.
The complications do not end here. Throughout
Nunt, Tourette also feminizes himself.
Not only does he inhabit the pathologized, ill
literary body that patriarchy has indelibly equated
with female-ness, he even takes a turn as the
exploited sex object in Nunto Forty. While this
is clearly not an expression of sympathy with
the female gender, it can be read as a concession
of the goal of post-Oedipalized manhood. By identifying
as feminine, Tourette castrates himself . This
act is both the ultimate expression of the death
of the pleasure principle, and the closest Tourette
can get to idealized manhood. If Tourette cannot
succeed independently, he will at least fail independently.
This perverse autonomy epitomizes what Nina Baym
refers to as a “melodrama of beset manhood”,
and perpetuates the patriarchal cycle of exploitation
and implied female fault that characterizes the
Oedipal complex. As Tourette is fond of saying,
no man can hurt you as much as you can hurt yourself.
March 18th, 2005
Typical St. Patrick's Day Conversation
Editor's Note: What follows is a direct transcript
of an online interview / chat between Mingus Tourette
and a hyperventilating Bernard Hurley. Bernard's
groundbreaking paper, referred to in the beginning
of the interview, will appear tomorrow. It is entitled
A Freudian Reading of Mingus Tourette's Post-Novel
Nunt. We now join the interview
in progress.
BH: Oh Mingus, Mingus, for
someone as enlightened as you are, you sure don't
understand opression worth a damn. I was re-reading
your little book for school, and it made me sad.
I'm sending along my Freudian reading of it, to
try and help you break out of your bubble.
MT: That sounds fascinating.
I'll try not to lose my erection in the meantime.
BH: Stop being so GD FLIPPANT.
What really pisses me off is the pose you take
through the whole thing, the "poor me, I'm
an able-bodied middle-class white male, feel my
pain" bullshit.
MT: You're an able-bodied middle-class
white male. Am I supposed to feel your pain?
BH: That's not the point. You
think you know pain? Try childbirth. Try minimum
wage. There are women in this country who would
kill for your privilege.
MT: I would love to try childbirth.
BUT I CAN'T. And neither can you. Ball-steamer.
BH: Here's what you're doing:
You're glorying in your own opressive power, sullying
the snatches of schoolgirls to prostitutes and
back, and expecting womynkynd to thank you for
the favour. But deep (deep) down, you know that
what you're doing is unspeakable. You feel guilty.
So you talk and talk about how weak you are, how
ill. You call yourself "a newborn",
"fledgling", "too weak to stand"
(clearly, an unconscious reference to your own
omni-present phallus, an attempt to make it flaccid,
and therefore non-threatening). Hell, you even
take a turn as the whore.
MT: You spelled 'opressive' wrong.
And who says I'm referring to myself as 'the fledgling'?
You're missing the author's intent there. And
trust me - when you fuck a woman right, she DOES
thank you. AND - we all take a turn as the whore.
BH: What you're trying to do
is co-opt the victim role that you and your type
have forced upon and into women for generations,
in order to defend yourself from claims of oppression.
You think that childishness and weakness aren't
completely and irreversibly linked with femininity
in the national consciousness? Read any book in
the western canon. It's pathetic, really. My supervisor
wrote a book about it. It's called Auto-pathology:
The hysterics of doubt. You should read it.
When you're ready to stop dodging your male guilt
by insidiously identifying yourself with your
victims, you'll fell much better.
MT: If I don't have time to read
my hippo
book, I'm certainly not reading your cow book.
That kind of rhetoric gives my colon the shakes.
BH: Fine. But you HAVE to read
this passage from Andrea Dworkin's book Intercourse:
Male-dominant gender
hierarchy, however, seems immune to reform by
reasoned or visionary argument or by changes in
sexual styles, either personal or social. This
may be because intercourse itself is immune to
reform. In it, female is bottom, stigmatized.
Intercourse remains a means or the means of physiologically
making a woman inferior: communicating to her
cell by cell her own inferior status, impressing
it on her, burning it into her by shoving it into
her, over and over, pushing and thrusting until
she gives up and gives in— which is called
surrender in the male lexicon. In the experience
of intercourse, she loses the capacity for integrity
because her body—the basis of privacy and
freedom in the material world for all human beings—is
entered and occupied; the boundaries of her physical
body are—neutrally speaking— violated.
What is taken from her in that act is not recoverable,
and she spends her life—wanting, after all,
to have something—pretending that pleasure
is in being reduced through intercourse to insignificance.
MT: I can't believe a book titled
Intercourse could be so neuron-splittingly
dull. And, in my world, female is not bottom.
They get to ride on top whenever they want. Come
on - I worship at the altar. You should see that.
And really - what is she advocating? Giving up
intercourse? Does she know HOW REPRODUCTION WORKS?
BH: That's not the point. This
is about perspective. Now read Nunto Thirteen:
trying to suppress a
little grin
and show my supposed guilt
for fucking an epileptic
and coming during her seizure
Don't you realize that ALL of the women you have
intercourse with are, metaphorically, epileptics?
Unable to truly consent or control their actions
due to the dis-corporating and hypnotic pull of
their misogynist indoctrination? You toss the
work "fuck" around as if it doesn't
refer to the violent, coercive act of physical
imperialism that produces and reproduces the essential
inequality of our culture every day.
MT: I did realize that all women
I have intercourse are, metaphorically, epileptics.
Certainly, they are prone to the following symptoms:
uncontrollably violent spasms, stoppage of breath,
rigid jaws, swallowing of tongues, speaking in
tongues, urinary incontinence, confusion and frothing
at the mouth. By god, you've got it exactly right!
BH: Is every member of your gender
such an irreverent prick?
MT: Not even fucking close, bitch.
Not even close.
March 16th, 2005
Remember Bernard?
Due to the possibility of overwhelming crowds,
Single Onion reading has a new location in
Single Onion #35 is now at:
Stanton Studio
#102, 1215 - 13 St SE
(three blocks south of Henri's Pub in the Woodstone
Studios, still March 24)
And now, a shocking development:
On a few occasions, we have handed the reigns
of the Daily Mingus over to a guest writer, or
filled the inches with interviews featuring the
odd comedian. However, we have never had the honour
of publishing proper literary papers in our hallowed
pages. Soon, this will all change. Lucky readers,
it is my privilege to announce that we will soon
be posting a very special intellectual treatise
entitled A Freudian Reading of Mingus Tourette's
Post-Novel Nunt by Bernard Hurley.
For those who have forgotten, Bernard Hurley is
a fellow that I met on tour at the Vancouver poetry
slam. We chatted that evening before I imploded
on stage, made my move on three UBC undergrad
hotties and wound up in the now-legendary ambulance
foursome. He was one of only two people to buy
a book that night, and we traded email addresses
as a result. In mid-November I received a note
from him saying that he was interested in writing
a paper on the book, and that he had a few questions
for me. Naturally curious, I replied, and we struck
up a correspondence.
Bernard focussed a great deal of the conversation
on gender issues, and asked how much I knew about
Freud and Karl Jung. And feminism. This was natural,
as he was apparently working at finishing his
Masters - in Women's Studies. Scenting something
on the wind that smelled like pussy, I started
asking my own questions, and it didn't take me
long to figure out that Bernard was a man who
wanted to be a woman. And, Bernard was seriously
considering sexual reassignment.
Now, I've known my fair share of transexuals,
so the idea didn't throw me off at all. What did
strike me as odd was his rationale for the operation,
because Bernard isn't gay. Or rather, he's not
See, Bernard wants to be a lesbian. He wants to
be a woman because he desires the beauty, stability
and complexity of a long term lesbian relationship.
He wants to feel oppression. He wants to express
his sympathy for the plight of women. And, he
wants to gain meaning.
At first, I wanted to mock him incessantly for
all these things. But, after a brief reflection,
I remembered that there was probably nothing better
than being a young lesbian in love. I mean, I
briefly dated one who was waiting for her girlfriend
to get out of the remand centre, and it was a
moment of flowering beauty. And though I suggested
that there were less drastic options than having
his manhood excised (such as reading Black
Like Me or studying Kabbalah), he would have
none of it. And still won't. At this time, he
is applying to hospitals to begin the procedure
once he finishes his Masters.
However, Bernard still has a number of months
to go, and still owes several essays and short
papers on literature, pop culture and women. He
thinks that a Freudian paper on nunt
would be just right for one of classes, and asked
if he could post it here to see what 'the layman'
thought of it. Naturally, I agreed. I could never
stand between a man and his dream of becoming
a lesbian.
Stay tuned. More on this tomorrow.
March 15th, 2005
Official Calgary Press Release:
Big Details!!!
WHO: The Single Onion Poetry Night #35
WHAT: A night of poetry, prose, music and mayhem.
With readers Mingus Tourette, Mike Gravel, Jocelyn
Grossé and Hosted by Fred Hollis with music
by Dave Martin.
AKA: The Edmonton Invasion
Thursday, March 24. Doors at 7 PM. Reading begin
around 8 PM
WHERE: Stanton Studio
#102, 1215 - 13 St SE
(three blocks south of Henri's Pub in the Woodstone
autographed brassieres, or painted banana holsters.
Or a picture of yourself driving the pink ambulance.
Also, enlightenment.
HEAD LINER: Mingus Tourette
Mingus Tourette drives a pink ambulance. He is
the author of the ultra-controversial nunt,
and the ringmaster behind the notorious
Write The Nation poetry tour. He writes &
edits the gonzo Daily Mingus, and has been detained
by police for wearing nothing but a
gasmask and an American flag diaper.
Mike Gravel raises hell and swears too much. He
thinks Mother Nature is drunk. He likes you more
than you know. Way more. More Gravel at
is a talented Poet, Painter and publisher. She
just finished her first art show at Steeps in
Mount Royal Village and her publication Bemused
just launched another issue.
MUSICIANS: Dave Martin & Robin Woywitka.
is an Onion with the heart of a rocking poet and
will wow you with his guitar. He will be joined
by Robin Woywitka.
WHAT YOU DIDN'T KNOW: That local organizers are
taking no chances with protestors this time. As
reported last week:
"We've got reinforced barricades, Rottweilers,
and spray cannons mounted near the metal detectors."
said BF representative, Doctor Law. "Members
of Montreal's Rock Machine biker group have been
chartered in to provide crowd control. The local
clergy has been warned that any signage will be
taken as an act of war, and will be met with possible
firebombings. We're not here to engage in politics,
we're here to enjoy some poetry. And when Mr.
Tourette says that we don't do bodycounts, he
means it."
So come on down, join us for a drink, prose and
verse at Stanton Studio.
Single Onion happens (usually) the third Thursday
of the month, ten times a year. Our web site is
March 14th, 2005
The Light Bombastic
I wished I was drunk since noon. Instead, I
found myself at a dance bar on Friday night, with
a woman who wanted to skip the light bombastic,
and I didn't, so mostly I sat at the table with
a sullen looking Pole who barely blinked when
a murder of kids with mohawks and multiple body
piercings kept walking on top of the table to
get around the two of us. They were living in
a squat to the south, and intimated that I might
be able to score some drugs there, or perhaps
a cheap, rotten shag with a girl wearing a tongue
stud and frizzy permed hair. She may have had
a tattoo on her ass, but she was moving too quickly
to see down the back of her pants properly.
One fellow with mohawk told me that half the women
in the bar hated him, and half of them considered
him a wet dream. I said something blurred about
fucking them in the ass, and that shocked him.
I didn't think that someone with six inch hair
spikes should have such tender sensibilities.
But my senses were numbed by the double-gins,
so what did I know?
When I was drunk enough, and had enough of yelling
about women, I stood up, popped a raft of floating
birthday party balloons with my pen, threw nunt
postcards spiralling all over the room and stormed
out. The Pole smiled for the first time that night.

But What Happened Last
Week? By God, Find Out Here!