June 18, 2004
Sweet Beatrice: Love and Silicon
Jealous of Ronnie's intended foray into Real-Doll
brothels, I have come up with a solution that
will net me my own Real-Doll, AND possibly function
as publicity for the book.
The RealDoll,
for those who don't know, is the Beethoven of
sex dolls - life-sized synthetic Hollywood beauties
just waiting to satisfy a man's every need. Unfortunately,
they cost almost $8000.
To get me one of these girls, I have decided to
add 'Performance Artist' to my long resume. I
intend to apply to the Canada Council for a $10
000 grant. $8000 will go to the real doll, $1000
will go to a nice bed, and the remaining $1000
will go to creating a 'performance set' which
is a rough neo-tech noir version of the Vatican.
The Real Doll will be dressed in full habit. I
will be dressed like the Pope, and for my performance,
the following will happen:
The Real Doll is seated on a stool near the bed.
I walk in, carrying a red, dual-pronged dildo
and a crucifix. I look to the heavens and scream,
"The Messiah will be coming. Thus Spake Zarathustra!"
I ask her for a dollar. She does not reply. I
strike her with the dildo. She falls over. Enraged,
I thrust the crucifix into the bed, tie her to
it and begin to molest her. Wagner begins to play
in the background. Smoke rolls out from a vent
in the roof. The light is blue. Signifying technological
shift, Kraftwerk plays. I stand on the bed and
perform the robot. The dildo is inserted clearly
into my rectum and I molest the doll on the cross
with it.
The smoke clears. Pure yellow sunlight shines
in. I take off the papal dress. Naked, I turn,
and take her from the cross. I lay her gently
on the floor, caressing her hair. She is still.
Red oil rains from the ceiling. I scream to the
No answer is forthcoming. Enraged again, I turn
on the papal dress and strap it to the crucifix.
I lift my hand and summon a black jug. It reads
'JUDGEMENT' in Apple Gothic 55. It is full of
kerosene. I pour it onto the crucifix and set
it alight. The flames begin to slowly spread to
the rest of the set.
As it burns, I turn to her, lying still on the
floor, whisper something in her ear and then make
sweet love to her while the audience listens to
the strains of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's greater
hymns. Only moments before the flames engulf us,
I lift her up, cry "SWEET BEATRICE, THERE
IS ONLY ONE GOD" and levitate into the darkness
above the stage.
And the piece will be called: Ragnarok.
If done properly, I should only have to perform
it once. And then Beatrice and I can do whatever
we want, for the rest of our lives, happily ever

June 17, 2004
September What?
The U.S. commission investigating the Sept.
11 attacks against the United States says it has
found "no credible evidence" that al
Qaeda and Iraq cooperated in the attacks. - CTV
Iraq's leaders face the prospect of assuming power
in two weeks without the country's only independent
source of revenue after saboteurs staged multiple
attacks on vital oil pipelines.
- Globe & Mail
The bipartisan commission investigating the Sept.
11 terrorist attacks further called into question
on Wednesday one of President Bush's rationales
for the war with Iraq, and again put him on the
defensive over an issue the White House was once
confident would be a political plus.
- Oakland Tribune
Note: It seems almost pointless to rage about
these things, or point out how the war in Iraq
was completely unnecessary, or how Bush lied repeatedly
to his country, but it's like a toothache. It
won't go away, no matter how apathetic the cows
in the barn.

June 16, 2004
The Notepad
I always carry a notepad with me. Started doing
it about seven years ago, because I was terrified
of losing one of the bus tickets, napkins or donair
receipts that I wrote on. The notepad is black,
it fits in my front left pocket under the wallet,
and if I don't have it, I feel naked. I have filled
dozens of them since I started using them.
For me, the first step in engaging the long form
narrative is the re-examination of the notepads.
They are bursting with ideas, paradigms, new words,
plot points and characters for specific works.
If I were to check a notepad filled in the last
year and one filled five years ago, I would certainly
find cryptic references to Vladimir, Zack and
Consumption - three novel length projects I've
been thinking about for half a decade. The material
looks something like this:
Consumption - Chitin on my fists, pulsing.
Side view of a man, walking. Slow, with purpose,
towards the minister. And I am raising it up now.
Enoch - competition - recurring
trait of all characters.
Zack Ed - "I got a big enough
heart and a big enough cock for a dozen wives.
Or at least four. Those Muslims aren't idiots,
and those Mormons're fucking geniuses."
Consumption - loss of identity - all
of the main characters have traits which obfuscates
their identities - psychosis, love, addictions,
drinking, gambling.
Enoch - "She was a staggering bitch,
yes, but that's not why I killed her."
If I were hit by a firetruck, the phrases would
make no sense to anyone, but they are the sephirot
that make up the longform narrative. Ten notes
about one character's motivation can be connected
with ten notes about another character, and ten
about the overarching themes, the writing style,
the cadence of the dialogue, and it makes the
bones to hang the flesh on.
Notepads. Highly recommended.
--- --- ---
Someone suggested offering up guest columns for
the next few weeks while I take a bit of a sabbatical.
If any of the regular readers would like to contribute,
feel free to write something, and I will gently
edit and post it. Suggested topics may include:
incest, masturbation, murder, drug use, real-dolls,
brothels, true love, male/female relations, butter,
cooking shows, television and / or sodomy. In
the spirit of the Daily Mingus, write it quickly
and then edit it fast and hard. Poetry, essays,
short stories and haiku are welcome. Any entries
for next week should be in by Saturday and should
be less than a thousand words. Bring the motherfucking

June 10, 2004
Writin' and Drinkin'
The blog is an interesting discipline for a
writer. While a format like this forces the writer
to engage on a daily basis, it can take time away
from longer format work. I remember reading William
Gibson's blog for awhile, which ended somewhat
abruptly one day. He found that the time spent
on the blog was detracting from his novel writing.
For a guy who actually makes money from writing,
that could be a serious problem.
Since finishing the final draft of Nunt,
I haven't written much long format material. My
next book, which I've been calling 'The Book of
Enoch', languishes in an ethereal stupour. The
characters and the plot are sketched out, the
main themes are rock hard, yet the next step,
the detailed outline, rests untended on the shelf.
In addition, there's a load of research that needs
to be done, but the time for that gets sucked
up by the promotional stupidity that I cook up
for the published book. At this point, I feel
like I should be deep into scientific studies
on polygamy and anthropology, but I'm not. It's
a bit distressing - not to anyone but myself as
the writer, but distressing nonetheless.
Question is, if I wasn't writing the blog, would
I be further along on the Book of Enoch? Or, would
I simply have put more time into promotion and
journal writing? I have always spent a big chunk
of time on journal writing, which is part of the
Daily Mingus, but I haven't necessarily engaged
as much political writing, essaying, and in-depth
characterizations of friends and lovers as I have
with the blog. Being motivated to explore that
in a neo-essay / short story format has been a
brilliant exercise and there have been some good
work out of it. However, I often ask myself, is
the blog really an art form, and therefore, worth
the heavy investment of time that serious fucking
art demands?
I feel that the blog can be an artform, like any
mode of expression, when it is approached ascetically.
Quite a few blogs are turgid crap, but some have
the ability to regularly entertain, enlighten
and gently spread warmth to people all over the
world. It's a great thing. Most blogs have punctuated
moments of great merit with a heap of chaff thrown
in between. For the blog as a whole to have lasting
artistic value, I believe that it would have to
be edited down so that it would have a proper
focus. The best entries would have to be selected,
and the rest would have to be blown away. To read
about a contest announcement in the middle of
a narrative about a man and a woman and another
man that the first man hates would absolutely
ruin the flow for anyone reading it as a whole.
So it is possible that blogs could last as works
of art, but they will probably need lots of posthumous
The experience in writing them, however, is quite
different from tackling the longform - the screenplay,
epic poem, or novel. The blog is generally written
without foresight. It is a recounting of daily
events, a reflection on the world around one.
The long form, on the other hand, requires fistfuls
of preparation and forces extended thought, and
I find that I miss that kind of thinking if I'm
not working with it. Perhaps it's the use of imagination
and serious cognitive work that it requires.
To address this, I will probably be taking some
time off from the blog in the next little while.
Not because I don't love what it is, but because
I feel a real need to get into the long format
again and stretch those muscles, to get the relief
that comes from exploring what can only be extensively
addressed in long format - the massive, juicy
themes of life. And maybe I'll bring some of it
in here as I work it out. It would be interesting
to have feedback on work in progress.
So if the Daily Mingus isn't exactly Daily for
the next few weeks, you know why. I'm drinking
and writing and thinking about polygamy and shaved
apes and the end of religion as we know it. Just
like it says in the Book of Enoch.

June 9, 2004
The sun stays up much later now.
Maybe that's it. The curtains are not thick or
expensive, and they only cover one window. The
other window is open to the sky.
And the sun gets in my eyes in the morning.
But that doesn't explain why I can't sleep at
midnight. Or two. Or four.
Maybe it's the sun. Venus passed over the sun
today, viewable from somewhere in India. A Venutian
eclipse. Myself, I can't get enough of Venus blotting
out the sun.
Maybe it's the same reason that I can't sleep
when the Buddha isn't snoring on the pillow, or
Chloe shakes in her sleep, or Colette once dozed
lightly before putting her clothes back on and
returned to her husband-to-be. Maybe it has nothing
to do with the sun. Probably I can't sleep for
the same reason I always have trouble sleeping,
cause even after all this time, I'm not used to
sleeping alone.
And the bed is different since I turned it around
to face the wall. Buddha said it was good Feng
Shui, but I don't believe in that. Like I don't
believe in much, except the warmth of women's
backs in the night.
Feel nervous about sleeping in, too.
Not used to sleeping alone.
It seems cold.

June 8, 2004
Freud and The Ninjas
I was in a supermarket when it started. My gang
and I were relaxing, getting ready to buy some
food, when another brilliant thought came over
me. Instead of buying the food, it seemed like
a premium idea to acquire some blue ninja suits
and steal the food.
The ninja suits were easy to come by, and soon
enough, we were stalking the tops of the shelves,
looking for boxes of berries. We leapt from aisle
to aisle, as ninjas often do, and stocked up on
several high quality boxes of fruit. The shoppers
went on about their business as though nothing
was happening, because they couldn't see us, because
we were practicing the fine art of ninja stealth.
But it couldn't last forever. One of my fellow
ninjas dropped some berries at the far end of
the supermarket, and all hell broke loose. Supermarket
employees swarmed the area, and I was forced to
leap into action, letting fly with throwing knives
and shuriken. No one was killed, but many were
frightened. We were about to make good with our
escape, but as I turned, a nubile young woman
stood in my way. She was frightened, but her lips
were parted. So instead of lopping her head off
with a katana, I gave her a kiss, squeezed her
ass and bolted for the ceiling.
Later on, the authorities attempted to track us
down, but we took off our blue ninja suits and
wandered around the market in a state of calm,
confident that our identities were safe. And they
were. We were never revealed. And the taste of
that woman's lipstick lingered on my lips for
Obviously, I haven't been sleeping well. What
the fuck does it all mean, anyways?

June 7, 2004
The Shaving of the Ming
Everyone loves a little bit of shaved Ming on
a hot Saturday night in June. At least, that's
what I'll tell Chloe the next time I see her and
she stares at me cock-eyed, and says, 'What the
fuck did you do to your head?'
You see, this weekend, in a fit of rage over the
continuing stupidity that flows out of GW Bush's
mouth like salsa-stuffed diarrhea spurting from
an American's ass in Cancun, Mingus decided it
was time to do something stupid and ridiculous
to highlight the idiocy. And this time, it wouldn't
do to simply strap on a gasmask and an American
flag diaper and waltz around the parliament grounds
in front of hundreds of people. Oh no. This required
something much more personal.
In protest of the Bush administration's perpetual
mismanagement of the United States, Mingus has
shaved his head. Others are encouraged to do the
In other news, Ronald
Reagan died, the
Flames are on the edge of winning the cup
in Game 7 (I call Gelinas to score the overtime
winner) and D-Day was commemorated
by several million people who weren't there. Also,
pope gave Bush whatfor over the invasion of
Iraq (one of the first times JP2 and I have agreed
on anything) and George
Tenet retired from the CIA.
The most important thing you have to know about
all this is that YOU TOO can support the Fear
Up Harsh movement by shaving your head until Bush
is out of office. And you can rest assured that
it looks goddamn sexy and is easy to maintain.
Photos will be forthcoming once I get the burning
flag tattooed curling around my ear.

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